
1.桔梗花的英文介绍Platycodon grandiflorum
【桔梗英文怎么写】(Radix Platycodi Grandiflori, Jie Geng)
Platycodon is the principal herb in Chinese medicine for diseases of the lungs and throat, and is commonly used for inflammatory conditions of the eyes, ears, and sinuses. The herb has a strong expectorant and antitussive effects and is included in many cough formulas, usually in combination with licorice.
The active components of platycodon — saponins, sterols, and triterpenoids — reduce inflammation and thin the sputum. It helps to treat skin swellings, including abscesses in the lungs and intestines. It also aids to soothe sore throats and relieve hoarseness. Platycodon is commonly added to formulas to direct the actions of the other herbs to the upper body.
Circulates the Lung Qi and expels Phlegm – used for cough. Promotes the discharge of pus – pus in lung or throat abscess. Benefits the throat – sore throat or loss of voice. Directs the effects of other herbs upwards.
Constituents Polygalain acid, platycodigenin, alpha-spinasterol, stigmasterol, betulin, platycodonin, platycogenic acid.
Precautions None known.
Side Effects None known.
2.求关于犬夜叉中桔梗的英文简介 KIKYO was a Miko from a small Japanese village . During her life, she was a calm and reserved priestess who rigorously defended the village.During their youth, Kikyo attended a school for priestesses. There, she met Tsubaki, who would later become a dark priestess. Kikyo's great spiritual power and purity became well known, and thus the Jewel of Four Souls was entrusted to her.Kikyo spent most of her time killing off demons who tried to steal the Jewel. However, the one demon that she refused to kill was Inuyasha, who is only half demon. Later on, Kikyo confronted Inuyasha and told him about how she had to hide her real self in order to protect the Jewel, and Inuyasha sympathized with her. Eventually, Inuyasha and Kikyo fell in love. Kikyo suggested using the Shikon Jewel to turn Inuyasha into a human, which Inuyasha agreed to,and the jewel will disappear ,so she could live as a normal human.However, the thief Onigumo, who desired both Kikyo and a corrupted Jewel, decided to use that day to gain control of both. He offered his body to a horde of demons, and the demon shape-shifter Naraku was born. Naraku, disguised as Inuyasha, struck down Kikyo, and then attacked Inuyasha as Kikyo. Thinking that Inuyasha had betrayed her, Kikyo used the last of her strength and spiritual powers and abilities to shoot a sealing arrow at Inuyasha and pinned him to a tree, She then ordered her younger sister Kaede to burn her body along with the sacred Shikon Jewel.可能有点长,自己删剪一下就好了 。
3.桔梗的日文名怎么写其实最经常的是Kikyou……不信看我名字……还有一些关于桔梗的文,会用桔的英文名代替中文名.不过也有Kikyo,不算错误,只是我个人认为Kikyo不是经常用的……之前还看过别人写成Kikyouy的……雷得我脆弱的心……但是不是太清楚你要的是英文写法还是常用写法,以上是常用写法,若是要标准的英文写法是Kikyo,Kikyou是罗马音译,若是要理由的话,你可以分别去百科查“Kikyou”和“kikyo”,都会出来桔梗里面还分别标明了是英语和罗马音译 。