
1.找到的英语怎么写.find , 英 [fa?nd] , 美 [fa?nd]
v. 发现;找到;认为;觉得;感到;裁决;判定
n. 发现
形容词: findable 过去式: found 过去分词: found 现在分词: finding 第三人称单数: finds
find的基本意思是“发现 , 找到” , 作“发现”解时指发现已存在而以前不知道的事物 , 作“找到”解时指找到了所寻找的东西 , 知道了其下落 , 强调寻找的结果 。引申可作“查明”“偶然遇见”“供给”“到达”“努力获得”“知道…是有的”等解 。用于法律术语还可表示“裁决” 。
find主要用作及物动词 , 可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语 , 也可接双宾语 , 其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语 , 可用于被动结构 。
例句:I think I'm lost; I can't find the bridge.
我想我是迷路了 , 我找不到那座桥了 。
反义词:lose , 英 [lu?z] , 美 [lu?z]
vt. 丢失;失败;削减;丧生;看不到;亏损;迷失
vi. 失败;经受损失;走慢
过去式: lost 过去分词: lost 现在分词: losing 第三人称单数: loses
lose的基本意思是“丢失”“失去” , 指因事故、过失、不幸、死亡等原因失去拥有的东西等 , 含有不能再找回来的意思 , 也可指人失去了品性、信念、态度等或陷入沉思或埋头于某事物之中 。还可引申表示人在比赛、辩论中输掉或某人浪费有用的、宝贵的事物诸如机会、时间、优点等 。lose在作不及物动词时还可表示“走慢了” 。
lose用作及物动词时 , 后接名词或代词作宾语 , 有时可接双宾语 , 表示“使…失去” 。
2.怎样找英语作文Looking for happiness
What is happiness? Some people say that happiness is a feeling. Yeah, but a lot of people can not find the feeling. They are often not aware of themselves at the moment when the happiness, the happiness in a trivial, in sorrow, in fatigue, are silently onto the heart remote places, affixed seal. So when they face the life without work, wasted time, they always saying:" why I am not happy!"
No matter how difficult life, the reality so cruel, we can bear. Because living itself is a kind of happiness.
I found alive, is happiness.
" I am very happy." When I silently repeating the word ten times in my heart, I feel the heart is warm, happy video is really lingering in my ear. Happiness comes, we want to remind yourself: remember this moment! I am very happy. Because happiness is not always around us, only to seize the happiness of the people, to cherish the well-being of the people can experience the happiness brought us endless warmth and happiness.
3.找到的英语怎么写.find , 英 [fa?nd] , 美 [fa?nd] v. 发现;找到;认为;觉得;感到;裁决;判定n. 发现形容词: findable 过去式: found 过去分词: found 现在分词: finding 第三人称单数: findsfind的基本意思是“发现 , 找到” , 作“发现”解时指发现已存在而以前不知道的事物 , 作“找到”解时指找到了所寻找的东西 , 知道了其下落 , 强调寻找的结果 。
引申可作“查明”“偶然遇见”“供给”“到达”“努力获得”“知道…是有的”等解 。用于法律术语还可表示“裁决” 。
find主要用作及物动词 , 可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语 , 也可接双宾语 , 其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语 , 可用于被动结构 。例句:I think I'm lost; I can't find the bridge.我想我是迷路了 , 我找不到那座桥了 。