
1.闪电侠英文是lightning man还是flash man..The Flash闪电侠(The Flash)是DC漫画公司旗下的超级英雄,正义联盟成员之一,1940年1月于《闪电侠》创刊号上首次登场 。
初代闪电侠是大学生杰伊·加里克(Jay Garrick)(1940-1956),他通过吸入硬水水汽而得到极速的反射和运动速度 。第二代闪电侠是警队的科学家巴里·艾伦(Barry Allen)(1956-1986),他被闪电劈中药品架后各种药物混合起来浇了一身,获得了超级速度,是最快的闪电侠 。
第三代闪电侠沃利·韦斯特(Wally West)(1986-2006)是第二代闪电侠巴里的外甥,获得超能力的方式和巴里一样 。第四代闪电侠巴特·艾伦(Bart Allen)(2006-现今)是第二代闪电侠巴里的孙子,他的能力来自继承 。
他们每经过一代,新一代闪电侠的能力也会比上一代增加 。
2.英语电视剧闪电侠中的好词好句my name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive
【闪电侠的英语怎么写】when i was a child ,i saw my mother killed by something impossible
Run,Barry run!
My father went to prison for her murder
Then an accident made me the impossible
To the outside world,I'm an ordinary forensic scientist
but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like me
And one day,I'll find who killed me mother and get justice for me father
i'm the Flash!
3.英语电视剧闪电侠中的好词好句my name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive when i was a child ,i saw my mother killed by something impossibleRun,Barry run!My father went to prison for her murder Then an accident made me the impossible To the outside world,I'm an ordinary forensic scientist but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like meAnd one day,I'll find who killed me mother and get justice for me fatheri'm the Flash! 。
4.美剧闪电侠开始那段英文自我介绍my name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive when i was a child , i saw my mother killed by something impossibleRun,Barry run!My father went to prison for her murder Then an accident made me the impossible To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like meAnd one day,I'll find who killed me mother and get justice for me fatheri'm the Flash!- -楼主赶紧拿去吧 。

