
1.节约 英文怎么说节约的英文是:savesave释义:1、vt.保存;节省;储蓄;解救You can now save and then run the report. 现在您就可以保存并运行报告了 。
2、vi.节省;挽救;救球I am in a position to save you a good deal of time. 我能够为你节省许多时间 。3、prep.&conj.除…之外No one, save perhaps his wife, knows where he is. 除他妻子之外,没有知道他在哪儿 。
save相关短语:1、save a child 救小孩2、save a mile 少走一英里路3、save appearance 保全体面4、save dangerous situation 挽回危局5、save honour 保全荣誉扩展资料:词语用法:v. (动词)1、save的基本意思是采取措施把人或动物从险境中解救出来或使其“脱离危险,免受损失”,可指从危险、灾难、困难、错误中救起某人或拯救某人的性命,也可指人储存金钱、食物、节省时间(以备自救)等,有时还可指人“保全面子、名声”等 。2、save作“救,拯救”解时,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语 。
3、save作“储蓄,储存”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词 。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语 。
词义辨析:v. (动词)save a day, save the day这两个短语的意思不同:save a day的意思是“省了一天的时间”,save the day的意思则是“反败为胜,转危为安” 。试比较:We saved a day by taking a plane there.我们乘飞机去那里,因而节省了一天 的时间 。
The team was behind,but at the last minute Tom saved the day with a touchdown.这支球队一直落后,然而在最后时刻 汤姆一次底线得分而反败为胜 。
2.关于节省用钱的英语作文看看行不行,行就给个采纳,不知道你多大,折中写了篇 。
We have just had a class meeting on the topic-saving money.
Through this meeting,we know that to save money is very important.Because we can learn how to control ourselves when we are trying to save our money.
There are some tips for you to save money.First you can get a saving box so that you can put your money in.Second,you must try to make a list about what you need.Last,just use your money on what you need.Hope the tips may help you.
Let's join the passion to save our money also to improve ourselves!
3.写一篇关于节省时间的英语作文 m.51test.netPeople often say,“Time is money." But in fact time is more valuable than money.
The time we have is limited,Every second is precious. we should make full use of our time. But there are a lot of people who do not know the importand of time.They spend their time chatting or drinking. They do not realize that wasting time is simply wasting their valuable life.
In a world,we should get into the good habit of saving time. Do not leave what can be done today until tomorrow. Always remember,we must save time.

