
1.一篇关于海滩的英语作文We have a great time on the beach today.Today is sunny.So we go to the beach.Well,There are many visitors on the beach.They look very happy.We can see many boats on the river,they look very changeable.We play volleyball on the beach.We also collect all kinds of shells.They are very beautiful,of course.Besides,we take a short break on the beach and enjoy the sunshine very much.In a word,I think this trip is very unforgettable and meaningful 。
2.海岸的英文怎么说seaboard; seabeach; seashore; seacoast; coast; shore: 沿海岸航行 sail along the coast
◇海岸沉积 coast deposit; 海岸带 coastal zone; 海岸堤防 dyke [dike]; coastal levee; 海岸地带 coastal strip; littoral zone; 海岸地貌 coastal landform; 海岸防护 coast protection; 海岸防护林 protective coast-forest; 海岸防御 coastal [coast] defence; 海岸工程 coastal engineering; 海岸观察哨 coast watcher; 海岸灌丛 littoral thicket; 海岸警卫[备]队 [美国] Coast Guard; 海岸雷达 shore radar; 海岸林 littoral forest; 海岸炮 coast gun; 海岸炮兵 coast artillery; 海岸气候 coastal climate; 海岸侵蚀 coast erosion; 海岸区 coastal area [region]; 海岸沙漠 coastal desert; 海岸沙丘 coast dune; [西班牙] medano; 海岸松 maritime pine; 海岸台 offshore bench; 海岸图 coast chart [map]; 海岸预警雷达 shore early-warning radar; 海岸沼泽 coastal marsh
3.海滩的英语作文45词A Day At The Seaside
One Saturday morning,my parents and I went to the beach for a picnic.I was very excited.
We went to there by car.My mother bought a lot of food and drinks .Soon,we arrive to the beach .We put a mad on the sand under a tree and took the food and drinks out of the basket .Then we changed our suit .We jumped into the sea .I was very happy when we saw beautiful coral ,fish .Collected By
In the evening ,it was time to go home .We hoped we could go to the seaside again.
4.在海滩上英语作文on the beachIt was a sunny day. I went to Beidaihe with my parents. It took us about four hours to get there by car. There were thousands of people on the beach. Some were playing with the sand. Some were boating and some were swimming in the sea. We walked on the beach for about two hours. Then we built a sand castle. We also picked up lots of beautiful shells. What a wonderful trip on the beach 。
5.写一篇上个星期去海滩的英语作文On a sunny day, we went to the beach. I like the beach water, because his water is with the sky the same color, only a little sad, but I want to use our happy sadness, the sea away with us and joy. I like the sand beach in the sun, because he beamed below appears very beautiful and shine.(在阳光灿烂的日子中,我们来到了海滩 。
我喜欢海滩的水,因为他的水是与天空一样的颜色,不过有点悲伤,但是我要用我们的快乐带走悲伤,使大海和我们一起欢乐 。我喜欢海滩上的沙子,因为他在阳光的照耀下显得十分美丽、闪耀 。)

