大鱼的英文怎么写( 三 )

不是很有趣,对吧?如果让我选择是要真实版、还是那个加了条大怪鱼和婚戒的夸张版,我可能会选后者 。但是,这只是我的一厢情愿 。
17、Have you ever heard a joke so many times you've forgotten why it's funny? And then you hear it again and suddenly it's new. You remember why you loved it in the first place.有些笑话你是否因为听过太多遍而忘了它为什么有趣?后来你又一次听到它,突然间,犹如恍然一新,你就会想起为何一开始就会喜欢它了 。18、A man tells stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way, he becomes immortal.一个人不停述说着自己的故事,让他自己也成了故事本身 。
故事 。