
1.有关灾难的英语作文(带中文翻译)【灾难英语怎么写】When it comes to disasters, quite a lot of people believe they will come across sudden disasters in their life. To begin with, natural disasters like earthquakes, flood and draught occur now and then; in addition, diseases like Sars, cancer and tumor will attack people unexpectedly; last but not the least, car accidents, plane crashes can't be ignored as part of disasters.Why there are so many disasters? The reasons may go as follows: on one hand, some mysteries about nature are beyond our control and understanding; on another hand, people are careless and can't foresee what will happen beforehand.From what has been discussed above, I may safely draw the conclusion that disasters can't be avoided now, but with more knowledge about nature, we'll certainly reduce the loss brought by them to the smallest degree, so the prospect we are l灾害时 , 相当多的人认为他们会遇到突如其来的灾难在他们的生活 。
首先 , 自然灾害如地震、洪水和干旱发生现在 , 然后 , 此外 , 非典型肺炎等疾病 , 癌症和肿瘤就会攻击人意外 , 最后但不是最少 , 车祸 , 飞机失事是不能忽视的灾害 。为什么会有这么多的灾难?可能的原因如下:一方面 , 一些关于大自然的奥秘是超出我们控制和理解;另一方面 , 人们粗心 , 事先无法预知会发生什么 。
从以上讨论 , 我可以得出的结论是 , 现在的灾难无法避免 , 但随着更多关于自然的知识 , 我们当然他们带来的损失减少到最小的程度 , 所以前景我们期待将光明和鼓励 。ooking forward to will be both bright and encouraging. 。
2.求一篇关于灾难的英语作文 高分~~Misfortune and fortune always accompany one another, just like thunder accompanying lightning. Much less as misfortune occurs than fortune, not until it breaks out suddenly can we realize it. Last year, people in Sichuan suffered from a catastrophe. A sudden violent change in the earth's surface broke out in a twinkling. It was the world-shaking Wenchuan earthquake. Millions of housees were ruined and thousands of people got killed in it for an instant. None of those who were there at that time and survived it luckily were brought to deep grief, including people engaged in industry or project from every parts of the country, tourists from home and abroad, visitors on business for their official affairs and on private buisiness to visit their relatives and friends. On the other hand, people in the disaster area have not been cowed down while the earthquake has been causing widespread destruction and distress. With the self-giving help of the whole country, they have been try their best to get it over, uniting as one and doing all out. People there have gone through the mill and understood how to be up against difficulties, At this point, suffering sometimes is a kind of fortune as well. It is hard, anyway, to avoid some of natural calamities with man power, such as earthquakes, typhoon, tsunamis, but scientist researches turn out that some of them which have been formed and caused have something direct to do with mankind. Due to destroying it man-made, our nature is standing in dangerous situation. We should pretect our ecological environment in case we would have a wolf by the ears in future.灾难与幸运相伴 , 正如雷声伴随闪电一样 。
尽管不幸比幸运少得多 , 但是直到灾难突发人们才能意识的他的到来 。去年 , 四川人民遭受了特大灾难 。
瞬息之间爆发了一次地表的剧烈变化 。这就是震撼世界的汶川大地震 。
眨眼间 , 数百万件房屋夷为废墟 , 上万人被夺去了生命 。凡是当时亲临该地侥幸逃生的人无不遭到不幸 , 包括来自全国各地的务工者 , 国内外的旅游者 , 因公出差和因私探亲访友的来客 。