英语班级规则怎么写( 二 )

2、Please raise your hand to tell the teacher if you have something to do.译文:有事请举手报告老师 。
3、Please listen to the teacher carefully.请认真听老师讲课 。
4、Please don't litter in the classroom.译文:在教室里请不要乱丢垃圾 。
5、Please finish your homework carefully.译文:请认真完成家庭作业 。
更多教室规则提供给大家,仅供参考 。
一、准时上课、下课,不迟到、早退 。课间交换教室时,要先出后进,顺序出入,不拥挤,不起哄,不抢占座位 。课前班长检查纪律及出勤情况并作记录,报告任课老师 。
二、尊敬老师,上下课时班长喊“起立”口令(合班上课,各班长轮流值日) 。提问要举手,回答问题要起立 。
三、保持室内安静,维护课堂秩序 。上课时不准吸烟,不准会客,不随便出入,不交头接耳,不看与所授课无关书籍,不在室内喧哗、嬉闹,上课时要关闭所有通讯工具,如手机等 。
四、讲究文明,保持清洁卫生 。衣着要整洁,不准穿背心、拖鞋、短衬裤进入教室 。不乱涂、乱刻、乱画,不随地吐痰,不乱丢纸屑、果皮等物 。各班使用和合班使用的教室,都要建立卫生值日制度,值日生要主动擦黑板、清洁讲台卫生 。
五、非节假日期间、周末晚,不得在教室和楼道内举办各类文娱活动(如打牌、下棋、放音乐、跳舞、晚会等) 。周末、节假日学生要在教室举办活动,须经各系、团委出具证明,到教管科办理借用手续 。在其他时间借用须经学生工作办公室批准 。
六、要节约用电,教室内人少时应集中用灯,最后离开教室的要负责关灯、关电风扇,教室内严禁使用电炉、热得快等电器,严禁私拉电线 。
七、爱护室内课桌椅、门窗及电器设备,造成损失者,按规定赔偿 。未经允许不得私自挪动课桌椅、讲台 。
八、班长对本班的考勤、课堂纪律及教室管理全面负责,督促全班同学共同遵守 。
7.用英语来制定班级规则~~~~Class Rules
You can be kind. You can't be late.
You can read book in classroom. You can't fight.
You can to write in classroom. You can't play in the classrooms.
You can draw a picture . You can't eat in the classroom.
8.《班级规则》英语作文60词,谢谢there are many rules in our class. we cannot arrive late for school. we need to have classes on time. we cannot listen to music in class. we must be quiet. we cannot eat in class. we cannot fight with any classmates. Emily one nice to follow therules 。
9.班级规则英语作文60词及翻译Firstly,school rules play an important role in helping students to behave well.As society develops,more and more teenagers like to follow the fashion,they dye hair,and dresses themsevels in a strange way.So obviously,obeying school rules will be a good way to help out.And what's more, as we think we are matural enough to manage things independently,we ,of course,should treat it our duty to obey it. 。