
1.自强不息的英文翻译天行健,自强不息(The movement of heaven is full of power,makes oneself strong and untiring.)
The movement of heaven is full of power.,
Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.
"Strengthen self without stopping, and hold world with virtue".
翻译为(As Heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along;as the environment is disadvantageous,but the gentleman hold world with virtue.)
2.【自强不息】 的英语怎么打自强不息的英文:constantly strive to become stronger
自强不息[zì qiáng bù xī]
意思是:自强:自己努力向上;息:停止 。自觉地努力向上,永不松懈 。
出自《易·乾·象》:“天行健,君子以自强不息 。”
释义:宇宙不停运转,人应效法天地,永远不断地前进 。
春秋时越王勾践卧薪尝胆,自强不息,终于打败了吴王夫差 。
发愤图强的英文:work hard and aim high
发愤图强[fā fèn tú qiáng]
意思是:发愤:决心努力;图:谋求 。决心奋斗,努力谋求强盛 。
出自:何香凝 《孙中山与廖仲恺》:“ 孙先生在那次聚会上谈得并不多,只泛泛地谈到了中国积弱太甚了,应该发愤图强,彻底革命 。”
只有卧薪尝胆,发愤图强,才能把我国建设成为社会主义强国 。
3.天行健,自强不息的英文是什么天行健,自强不息(The movement of heaven is full of power,makes oneself strong and untiring.)
The movement of heaven is full of power.,
Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.
"Strengthen self without stopping, and hold world with virtue".
翻译为(As Heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along;as the environment is disadvantageous,but the gentleman hold world with virtue.)
4.急假如给我三天光明 All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified timeto live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited. 缉护光咎叱侥癸鞋含猫 My third day of sight is drawing to an end. Perhaps there are many serious pursuits to which I should devote the few remaining hours, but I am afraid that on the evening of that last day I should again run away to the theater, to a hilariously funny play, so that I might appreciate the overtones of comedy in the human spirit. At midnight my temporary respite from blindness would cease, and permanent night would close in on me again. Naturally in those three short days I should not have seen all I wanted to see. Only when darkness had again descended upon me should I realize how much I had left unseen. But my mind would be so crowded with glorious memories that I should have little time for regrets. Thereafter the touch of every object would bring a glowing memory of how that object looked. Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of "Eat, drink, and be merry," but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death. 我有视觉的第三天即将结束了 。