1.年轻的英文怎么写【小伙子英文怎么写】“年轻的”英文为:Beardless 。
还有young; youthful; beardless; youngling; youthy这些词同样具有“年轻的”意思 。
“年轻的英文”是Young English 。
1. 她丈夫和一个比她年轻的女人同居了 。Her husband had moved in with a younger woman.
2. 我大胆地提出了这样的观点:保持年轻的秘诀就在于和年长的人交往 。I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people
3. 年轻的一代告诉我,宗教已经过时了,科学已证明了这一点 。The younger generation tell me that religion is 'old hat' and science has proved this.
4. 那对年轻的父母惯坏了他们的独生子 。
The young parents spoiled their only son.
5. 很多重返工作岗位的人比她们年轻的时候更善于和人们共事 。Many returners are far better at working with people than they were when they were younger.