
1."多喝开水"英语怎么写每天跑步 Run everyday 每周锻炼三次 Exercise three times a week 每周看电视两次 Watch TV two times a week 喝有蜜蜂的热茶 Drink hot tea with the bees 多喝开水 Drink plenty of water 看牙医 See the dentist 周末躺下休息 Lie down to rest in the weekend 多吃水果 Eat more fruit 吃健康食物 Eat healthy food 有健康的生活方式 Have a healthy lifestyle 。
2.英语作文多喝水To Drink More Water
When people get sick, they will go to see the doctor, the most common thing the doctor says is that to drink more water. Most people don't put it in their hearts, thinking it is just useless. But drinking more water indeed brings people health, it can make the blood circulate quickly and get rid of the harmful part. So it is good for people to drink more water no matter what they are doing.
3.英语写作多喝水【多喝水英语怎么写】To Drink More Water When people get sick, they will go to see the doctor, the most common thing the doctor says is that to drink more water. Most people don't put it in their hearts, thinking it is just useless. But drinking more water indeed brings people health, it can make the blood circulate quickly and get rid of the harmful part. So it is good for people to drink more water no matter what they are doing 。