
1.预拌混凝土英文怎么写预拌混凝土 翻译成英文是:ready-mixed concreteready-mixed concrete [词典] 预拌混凝土; [例句]Establishment and management of stand-by mix proportions for ready-mixed concrete Mix pancake mix with other seasonings. 预拌混凝土备用配合比的建立与管理把面团和其它的调味料搅拌混合起来 。
也可以翻译为:premixed concretepremixed concrete [词典] 预拌混凝土; [例句]There are a lot of factors which influence premixed concrete quality bothin technique and management. 影响预拌混凝土质量的因素有很多,既有技术上的因素,也有管理上的因素 。
n. 厨房,炊具
kitchen cabinet
soup kitchen
kitchen appliance
kitchen range
kitchen table
kitchen utensil
kitchen garden
kitchen stove
kitchen sink
厨房洗涤池,激进现实主义【医】 厨房洗涤盆
a room equipped for preparing meals
She liberated herself from the kitchen.
她把自己从厨房里解放出来 。
The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out.
厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了 。
A kitchen utensil for whipping foodstuffs.
The waiter sang out our order to the kitchen.
侍者大声地向厨房喊出我们所点的菜 。
She boiled rice in the kitchen.
她在厨房里煮饭 。
The dining-room communicates with the kitchen.
饭厅与厨房相通 。
The dining-room is twice as big as the kitchen.
餐厅是厨房的两倍大 。
We are decorating the kitchen again this summer.
今年夏天我们将重新装修厨房 。
3.英语作文怎么写Hint: First, the raw material: a tomato, three eggs, a green pepper, salt, oil two steps: 1, chopped tomatoes and green peppers. 2, break the egg into the bowl and stir. 3, put some salt to the egg bowl and stir. 4, heating pot, Guo Lifang some oil, then add tomatoes, eggs and green peppers 。
4.关于烹饪的英文单词剁 chop, cut
煎 fry
炒 stir fry
烹 boil
炸 deep fried
蒸 steam (steamed rice - 白饭)
搅拌 stir, mix
洗菜 wash vegetable
Recipe 。
1. Place the egg(eggs) into six cups of water (water needs to be over the whole egg), boil it(them) for eight minutes
2. Take the egg(eggs) out to cool down, then de-shell it(them).
3. Cut the egg(eggs) in half with saw shaped knife,then cut the bottom flat, take the yolk out.
4. Mix the meat with seasoning, place it into the egg(eggs) the albumen. Put them on the plate. Then, steam it(them) for twelve minutes.
5. After all, sprinkle a little egg yolk on top.
6. Stir the egg yolk, then pour into a bowl,place egg drop on top.
I like your recipe~ ^_^