
1.论文conclusion怎么写1 Summarize your paper in a few lines on a scrap piece of paper. Include the key points and why they are significant. Your notes can be in bullet form or in short sentences. This will help you focus on what's important about your paper while leaving out unnecessary information.
2 Begin the conclusion with a topic sentence that summarizes your paper. The topic sentence should be catchy and brief but should also relate to the reader what the essay has been about. The point of the conclusion is to remind the reader of your topic, and the topic sentence will frame this paragraph.
2.如何写outline比如:Topic 是 Money
把相关的Topic sentences组织起来,就是outline了:
1. Money is important to our daily life, but it is not everything
1)Money is imortant
2) Money isn't everything
2. Money can't buy love
1) You can marry a beautiful wife or a rich husband, but..;
3. Money can't buy good health;
1) You can buy expensive medicine, invite the best doctors, but。
2) 。
4. Money can't buy knowledge;
1) You can go to the best school and invite the best teacher for your son or daughter, but。
3.key learning怎么写做了1年的6 sigma项目终于结束了,模板上要求写上key learning,就简单写了写做报告的key learning. Affinity diagram; Process mapping; Pareto Analysis;C&E diagram;Root Cause; Documentation
在报告中不能写或没写的key learning:
【keypoints怎么写】老板重视的是结果,所以从选题开始就要以结果为导向 。选题一定要选心里有谱做出成绩来的 。计算方法有很多种,也要以结果为导向,有的方法就看不出结果,有的方法就能,所以一定要灵活 。数据是关键,当然在老板允许的范围,情有可原的情况下,做一些小小的筛选也是可以的 。测量方法是根本,一定要在前期就保证,要不然后期的数据很不好处理 。Team成员的积极性要好好地调动,最后能出多少成绩全靠他们 。最后,PPT一定要做得漂亮,能用minitab的就不要excel做 。PPT的理解水平要以老板清楚明白为出发点 。形式很重要,但是最后也要有实实在在的行动和结果,这样才有意义,才能得到大家的认可,以后的工作才好开展 。还有就是在一个小项目中不可能完美,做的时间长了,老板会催着关闭的,用Kaizen的理念就是:Do not wati for perfection,achieve 60% immediately.