
1.论文撤稿作者受到了什么处理【论文撤稿怎么写】发生在2017年4月的撤销107篇中国论文的事件,近期依然在发酵 。
目前,有多名涉事作者受到所在机构来的处理 。有关负责人表示,已形成明确处理意见的76篇论文涉及376人,各涉事作者自所在单位已经提出了具体的处理意见,正在抓紧履行相关程序 。
对撤稿论文涉事作者处理决定:一是全额收回已发放论文奖励;二是取消相关人员两年内医院年度考核评优资格;三是取消研究生百导师两年内研究生导师申报及研究生招生资格;四是建议山东大学对相关研究生作出相应处理;五是对相关人员给予全院通报批评 。目前这些处理决定已全部落实 。
具体而言,对违规行为的分类处理与责任追究度的相关规定中,分列了11种情形并详细规定相应处理办法 。
Dear Editor-In-Chief,
We submitted our manuscript "title" on March 24 2011 to your ***journal, an international well-known journa 。Thank you so much for processing it for review. However, during processing period, conflict of interests is raised from one of authors. Therefore, we have to decide to withdraw this manuscript with great pity. After resolution for this issue, we will resubmit our manuscript. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the withdrawal of this article. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at this ****@gamil.com or telephone: 010-66666.
Sincerely yours,
Yours sincerely,