
1.英语作文300字What Life Means to Me For me, life is so simple that there is no need to bother thinking hard about the exact meaning of life. I believe life is what we are born with and live with, to some extent, as Hegel's idea" what is rational is actual and what is actual is rational". I am a person like the majority of the world. Although I have not made great achievements or become a heroine who would change the world, I enjoy my present life. I think life means itself. It seems to be quiet. As a result, many people complain their life is boring and meaningless. However, life does have its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. Good times alternate with bad. I have learned not to be overjoyed when good things happen to me or fall into deep sorrow when in misfortunes. In no way is life meaningless. It depends on whether the meaning can be found. On the other hand, life means getting along with family members, friends, or other people around me. I shall be grateful to those who love me, those who support me, and even those who dislike me, for all of them help me to grow up and to appreciate and cherish my life. Moreover, life means pursuing my dream. Some say it is your dream not you clock that wakes you up everyday. That is the truth. Dream or goal gives me the pressure and motivation and a reason why I have to live life in this way. It can be challenging or simple, long term or short term. Anyway, how can I stop since the things I need to do have not been done? In summary, life means enjoying life from different aspects and making all my experience worthwhile.生活对我意味着什么对我来说,生活是如此的简单,不必费心思考人生的确切含义 。
我相信生活是我们与生俱来的,在某种程度上,在某种程度上,如黑格尔的“理性是什么,什么是理性” 。我是一个世界上大多数人 。
虽然我没有取得伟大成就或成为一个英雄谁会改变世界,我喜欢我现在的生活 。我觉得生活本身就是一 。
似乎很安静 。结果,许多人抱怨他们的生活很无聊,没有意义 。
然而,人生有起有落,它的山峰和山谷 。好时光交替着坏 。
我学会了不高兴的事情发生在我或陷入深深的悲伤时,在不幸 。在没有意义的生活是没有意义的 。
这取决于能否找到意义 。另一方面,生活意味着与家人、朋友或其他人相处 。
我要感谢那些爱我的人,那些支持我的人,甚至那些不喜欢我的人,因为他们都会帮助我成长,珍惜我的生命 。此外,生活意味着追求我的梦想 。
有人说这是你的梦想,不是你每天醒来的时候 。这就是真相 。
【300字英语作文怎么写】梦想或目标给了我压力和动力,为什么我要以这种方式生活 。它可以是具有挑战性或简单,长期或短期 。
不管怎样,我怎么能不去做我需要做的事情?总之,生活意味着从不同方面享受生活,让我所有的经验都是值得的 。
2.300字英语作文Look at the calendar day, tomorrow is the final exam, hope and is afraid of the day in the past.我对期末考试一直有着恐惧的心理 。
虽然自己这些天也很努力的备考,但是有些知识还是不会,并且害怕考试出到自己不会的题,很害怕自己考的很差,因为回家没办法向爸爸妈妈交代呀,估计过年也不会好好的过 。My final exam has been the fear. Although these days are very hard to test, but some knowledge or not, and fear of examination to the questions they will not, very scared they do poorly, because home not accountable to mom and Dad, estimates have the Spring Festival wouldn't live well.但是呢,我又很盼望着期末考试,因为早考试早结束,考完之后就可以回家了,就可以吃到妈妈做的好吃的了,就可以和同学玩的天翻地覆了,就可以做自己想做的事情了,就可以不用早起背书了,总之是一个小小的解放了 。