
1.包饺子的英语作文怎么写How to make dumplins? It is easy and interesting to make dumplins, which is a kind of Chinese tranditional food. There are several steps. First, make dough by mix powder with proper water. Continue put water into powder little by little until it become a soft dough. While the dough is set for a few minutes, make fillings. You can make fillings you like, meat with different flavours, fruit, sugar and so on. Then cut dough into several part to make is long. And then cut the long dough into small ball in order to flat it into thin cake. At last, put proper fillings into cake and wrapped it into dumplins, which could be different styles 。
2.包饺子英文翻译包饺子英文翻译为:make dumplings['me?k 'd?mpl??z ] 。
1、短语: 我包的饺子 My dumplings ; I package dumplings ; I packages of dumplings 我会包饺子 I will dumplings ; I will make dumplings 怎样包饺子 How to Make Jiaozi ; How to Make Dumplings 今天一起包饺子 Dumplings and eating dumplings ; With dumplings dumplings 第一次包饺子 The First Time to Make Dumplings 帮妈妈包饺子 Help Mom Make Dumplings 包饺子机 dumpling maker ; dumpling machine ; making dumpling machine ; automatic dumpling-maker 老奶奶包饺子小游戏 Bao jiaozi 我妈妈正在包饺子 My mother is dumplings ; My mom is making dumplings 2、例句 人们经常在家包饺子 。Usually people make dumplings at home. 你能告诉我怎样包饺子吗? Can you tell me how to make dumplings? 当晚家人一起包饺子 , 使用了一部分猪肉 。
That night her family used a portion of that pork to make dumplings together. 然而 , 一些女孩在我的类可以包饺子看起来很精致 , 有吸引力 。However, some girls in my class can make dumplings look very exquisite and appealing.。
3.包饺子的英语作文怎么写How to make dumplins? It is easy and interesting to make dumplins, which is a kind of Chinese tranditional food. There are several steps. First, make dough by mix powder with proper water. Continue put water into powder little by little until it become a soft dough. While the dough is set for a few minutes, make fillings. You can make fillings you like, meat with different flavours, fruit, sugar and so on. Then cut dough into several part to make is long. And then cut the long dough into small ball in order to flat it into thin cake. At last场肌摆可肢玖扮雪堡磨 ,  put proper fillings into cake and wrapped it into dumplins, which could be different styles. 。
4.包饺子的英语作文 learn how to make dumplings on New Year's Eve Dumpling, or dumplings with meat and vegetable fillings, is very popular during the Spring Festival and other festivals. It tops the list of delicacies of people in north China, where people eat dumpling at midnight on New Year's Eve and for breakfast on New Year's Day. Here is The Process of Making Dumpling To make dumpling, first of all, you should chop the meat into tiny pieces and mash them, then add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, scallions, Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like. Mix thoroughly the ingredients and meat filling, add two spoonful of water if necessary. In a big bowl, add water to flour gradually. (caution: not too much at a time!) Mix and knead by hand to soft dough, then cover it with towel and put it aside for about an hour. Scatter some dry flour on the board, knead and roll it into a sausage-like dough about 5 centimeters in diameter, then chop it into small pieces. Press each piece with your hand and get a pancake. Finally, you should hold the pancake with your palm and put the filling in the center and wrap it into half-moon shaped and seal the edges. The next step is to eat. Put the dumplings into boiling water, when it is well cooked, it is ready to be served. However, before eating, you need to prepare some small dishes to contain the mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame oil or pepper oil ( to suit your own taste!) 翻译: <<在春节除夕我学会了如何包饺子>> 由肉和蔬菜做馅的饺子在中国的春节及其他节日都是很流行的 。