
如果是的话,就是“British Grenadiers”,下面是它的介绍:
这首曲子起源于17世纪的歌曲“THE NEW BATH”(新浴池) 。
拿破仑时代是很流行的军歌,现在是白金汉宫前换岗仪式的必奏曲 。
英国的这首著名军歌不是《马赛曲》那样“国家兴亡,匹夫有责”的爱国主义歌曲,但是体现了一种笑傲江湖式的洒脱 。
Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules
Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these.
But of all the world's great heroes, there's none that can compare.
With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British Grenadiers.
Those heroes of antiquity ne'er saw a cannon ball,
Or knew the force of powder to slay their foes withal.
But our brave boys do know it, and banish all their fears,
Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers.
Whene'er we are commanded to storm the palisades,
Our leaders march with fusees, and we with hand grenades.
We throw them from the glacis, about the enemies' ears.
Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers.
And when the siege is over, we to the town repair.
The townsmen cry, "Hurrah, boys, here comes a Grenadier!
Here come the Grenadiers, my boys, who know no doubts or fears!
Then sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers.
Then let us fill a bumper, and drink a health to those
Who carry caps and pouches, and wear the loupèd clothes.
May they and their commanders live happy all their years.
【兵英语怎么写】With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers.