
sharp 英[?ɑ:p] 美[?ɑ:rp]
adj. 锋利的; 尖锐的; 敏锐的; 狡猾的 , 聪明的;
adv. 猛烈地; 尖锐地; 尖利地; 偏高地;
n. 升半音; 尖头; 骗子; 内行 , 专家;
【尖锐的英语怎么写】[例句]The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick
细枝的另一端被削尖用作牙签 。
2.我是狐狸.我的尾巴长长的,我的鼻子尖尖的.英语怎么写我是狐狸.我的尾巴长长的 , 我的鼻子尖尖的.
I'm a fox. My tail is long and my nose is sharp
英 [?ɑ:p] 美 [?ɑrp]
adj. 敏锐的; 锋利的; 狡猾的 , 聪明的; 尖锐的;
adv. 猛烈地; 尖锐地; 尖利地; 偏高地;
n. 升半音; 尖头; 骗子; 内行 , 专家;
vt. [音乐]把(音调)升高(半音);
vi. [音乐]升音演奏(或演唱);
3.英语作文(带翻译) 我长大了想做宇航员 , 为什么呢?原因有4个: 第一 , 我觉得宇航员的衣服特别帅(大家不要笑我哦) 。
我一直都很喜欢宇航服 , 我还画了不少宇航员太空行走的画呢 。上次在电视上看到翟志刚从神舟七号出仓那一刻 , 我心里好激动:我对自己说“他们好神气呀 , 我一定要做宇航员!”想想要是自己能穿着宇航服在太空行走 , 那 第二 , 我从上幼儿园起 , 就特别喜欢看天文地理方面的书 , 尤其喜欢看宇宙科学和航空航天知识画册 。
知道我现在最想什么吗?告诉大家:我很想亲自为国家完成一次神舟系列火箭航天飞行的任务! 第三 , 我还想去探索宇宙空间的奥秘 , 为人类做很多有意义的事 。比如 , 我想乘坐最新的航天飞机去看看水星 , 金星 , 木星 , 土星 , 天王星 , 海王星 , 冥王星 , 我想去破一个未解之谜 , 那就是:太阳系是否还有第十大行星 。
我还要发明一种通话器 , 用这种先进的通话器直接与外星人通话 。这都是我的梦想 , 我一定要努力 , 让我这些愿望变成现实! 第四 , 现在地球上的污染越来越严重 , 人类的生存环境越来越差 。
我想去外太空找找 , 看还有没有适合人类生存的星球 , 我要为人类寻找一个美好的家园! 我想我的梦想一定可以实现的!你们相信吗? I want to grow up astronauts, Why? The reasons are four: First, I think the clothes especially handsome astronaut (Please do not laugh at me oh). I have always liked spacesuit, I drew a lot of paintings do astronauts walk in space. Last seen on television Zhai Zhigang Shenzhou VII from a warehouse that moment, I thought well excited: I said to myself, "They better air Yes, I must do Astronaut!" If he can think of wearing a spacesuit in space walk, then Secondly, I was in kindergarten, began a special love of astronomy, geography book, and especially likes to see the universe of knowledge of science and aerospace album. What I most want to know it? Tell you: I would like to personally complete a national series of rocket space flight Shenzhou mission! Third, I also want to explore the universe's mysteries, for humanity, a lot of meaningful things. For example, I would like to take the latest space shuttle to see Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, I want to break a mystery, and that is: Are there any solar system tenth planet. I also invented a kind of radios to talk to with this advanced talk directly with the aliens. This is my dream, I must work hard to give me those wishes into reality! Fourth, the pollution of the planet now more and more serious, the human living environment is getting worse. I want to go to outer space, Zhao Zhao, see there are not suitable for human survival of the planet, I want to find a happy home for mankind! I think my dream will be able to achieve! Do you believe it? 这就是演讲稿 要不行你自己写篇中文的 我给你翻译 。