
1.急辣妹是组合的名称.英文名是SpiceGirls 由Melanie Brown (Mel B)、Melanie Chisholm (Mel C)、Victoria Adams (Victoria)、Geri Halliwell (Geri)Emma Bunton五人组成
say you'll be there
【辣妹英文怎么写】viva forever
who do you think you are
2.怎么称呼美女,英文怎么写1. She is gorgeous!
要懂得适时地称赞女孩实在是每个男士必修的功课 。一句简单的You are pretty! 或是You are so beautiful! 就可以让人家高兴上好半天 。
gorgeous 和pretty, beautiful 都是美丽的意思 , 但是程度上可能要比pretty 和beautiful还要再来的高一些 。所以下次再看到美女 , 别忘了说一声 , You are gorgeous!说不定她就变成你的老婆了 。
3. She is a babe.
她是个美女 。
这句话是用来形容美女的喔 。像是我今天去打球看到一个很美很美的女孩 , 那我就会跟我的同学说 , She is really a babe.
要特别注意babe 跟baby只有一字之差但却相差十万八千里 。你千万不要说成Oh! I like the baby.那么你很有可能被人家当成恋童癖 。
4. She turns me on.
她让我眼睛为之一亮 。
5. I think she is a hottie.
她是个辣妹 。
所谓的hottie就是指那种很辣的辣妹 , 穿着打扮各方面可能都非常地时髦 。或是你也可以说 , hot babe或是hot chick但有一点请注意 , 也许你在国内对一个女孩子说 , 你真是个辣妹啊!她可能还会蛮高兴的 , 但是在美国你不可以去跟女孩子说You are a hottie.那么你可能换回一巴掌 。
6. Do you know Jean? She is a cutie.
看来中外皆然 , 女孩子总是分为二种 , 漂亮美艳型和活泼可爱型 。至于那种遵守交通规则型 (obeying the traffic rules 则不在本文讨论筥围之内) 。漂亮的女生叫hottie ,  相对的 , 可爱的女生就叫cutie.或是你单讲 , She is so cute! 也是不错的用法 。
7. She is well-developed.
她很丰满 。
刚才说的是以脸蛋来分的 , 现在说的是以身材来分的 。看到身材很好的女生 , 女生之间彼此会说
She is well-developed.或是well-endowed.
但这算是很文明的讲法 , 要是男生看到这种女人 , 他们通常不会那么拐弯抹角 , 他们会直接说:
She has big boobs./She has big breast.或是She has big jugs.
3.谁看过辣妈辣妹By all rights, "Freaky Friday" should have been little more than a cinematic footnote, the latest example of a movie remake that didn't need to be made. But sometimes the seemingly impossible happens, and filmmakers actually manage to improve on creaky material.For example, this re-do of the 1977 Jodie Foster vehicle, later remade for TV's "Wonderful World of Disney" 1995 with Shelley Long in the mother role, is funnier, sweeter and more charming than either previous version.A lot of that has to do with Jamie Lee Curtis, who stars as Tess Coleman, a workaholic therapist about to remarry. Her high-maintenance teenage daughter Anna (Lindsay Lohan) isn't too thrilled about it, and the two spend most of their time butting heads.That all changes in a hurry after a hex causes them to switch bodies. Suddenly Tess finds herself having to deal with tests, teachers and a would-be boyfriend (Chad Michael Murray), while Anna has to cope with neurotic patients and figure out what to do about the impending nuptials.Even more daunting is the fact that these seemingly polar opposites will have to cooperate with each other if they're going to find a way out of their predicament. Director Mark Waters is smart to keep the tone light fast-paced, so that some of the character inconsistencies and plot holes aren't glaring. Besides, he's got two most appealing screen heroines in Curtis and Lohan.The former is clearly having a ball here. It's easy to forget just how funny she can be — it's been a long time since "A Fish Called Wanda." As for the latter, this is her second Disney remake (including the 1998 re-do of "The Parent Trap") and again she impresses; so why has it been five years since we've seen her?As for their male co-stars, Mark Harmon is appropriately subdued as Tess' fiance, while veteran Harold Gould steals his scenes as Tess' somewhat confused father. 。