
1.馅饼英文怎么写一、馅饼的英文是pie , 音标英 [pa?]、美 [pa?] 。
1、n.馅饼 , 派;爱说话的人;[动]喜鹊;<;美俚>;容易得到的称心东西 , 容易的工作
I added a dollop of vanilla ice-cream to the pie.
我在馅饼里加了一块香草冰激凌 。
2、vt.使杂乱;弄乱(铅字 , 版面)
14世纪中期进入英语 , 直接源自中世纪拉丁语的pie , 意为糕饼里的肉或鱼 。
I wouldn't have missed it for pie!
出自: E. M. Brent
n. (名词)
pie的意思是“馅饼” , 现代汉语中有时音译为“派” 。pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮 , 馅是肉或果子的饼 。
pie, flan, tart
在英式英语中 ,  pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者; 如果上面没有酥脆表皮的则被称为tart(有水果馅)或flan(用水果乳酪等作馅的); 而在美式英语中 , 有无酥脆表皮的都叫pie 。
2.“饼”的英文是什么英文: cake ; cookie ; pastry (烤熟或蒸熟的面食) a round flat cake:potato cake;土豆饼fried wheat cake;油饼unleavened pancake; flapjack;烙饼moon cake月饼(似饼物) sth. shaped like a cake:dried persimmon;柿饼儿soybean cake;豆饼discus;铁饼{体}be crushed into a hamburger压成肉饼例句:和你兄弟分吃这块饼 。
Divide the cake with your brother. 她把面团轻轻拍成扁饼 。She patted the dough into a flat cake. 把饼翻个儿再烙一会儿 。
Turn the cake over and bake it some more. 就这样 , 她拿一块曲奇饼 , 他也拿一块 , 剩了最后一块时 , 她不知道对方会怎么做 。With each cookie she took, he took one too. When only one was left, she wondered what hewould do. 现在情况已经变得十分糟糕 , 以致有消息说 , 有些贫民窟的人在用泥饼充饥 。
The situation has become so dire that there are reports of people eating mud cakes in someslums 。. 。
3.饼的英文是什么饼的英文是cakecake英 [ke?k] 美 [ke?k] 第三人称单数:cakes第三人称复数:cakes现在分词:caking过去分词:caked过去式:cakedcake 基本解释名词蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物及物/不及物动词(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层cake 相关词组1. take the cake : 成为最佳者 ,  得奖;cake 相关例句及物动词1. The boy was caked with mud.这男孩身上都是泥块 。
2. His shoes were caked with mud.他的鞋上结了泥块 。不及物动词1. Mud caked on his shoes.泥土在他的鞋上结成块了 。
2. Mud cakes when it dries.泥干了会结成块 。名词1. My wife baked a chocolate cake for my birthday.我妻子做了一个巧克力蛋糕庆贺我的生日 。
2. Mother put some raisins in the cake. 母亲在糕饼中放了一些葡萄乾 。
4.南瓜饼英文怎么说南瓜饼英文是:Pumpkin pie 。
英[?p?mpk?n] 美[?p?mpk?n ,  ?p?m- ,  ?p??-]
n. 南瓜; 南瓜的果肉 , 南瓜囊; 〈俚〉重要人物;
[例句]Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.
将南瓜切成4份 , 去掉籽 。
pie 英[pa?] 美[pa?]
n. 馅饼 , 派; 爱说话的人; [动] 喜鹊; 容易得到的称心东西 , 容易的工作;
vt. 使杂乱; 弄乱(铅字 , 版面);
[例句]The true regeneration of devastated Docklands seemed like pie in the sky.
遭毁坏码头区的真正重建看起来希望渺茫 。