
1. kingdom come
2. otherworldliness
3. hereafter
4. eternity
5. the great beyond
Relative explainations:
<future life> <otherworld> <other world> <afterlife> <the world to be> <the world to come> <the other world> <another world> <everlasting life> <rebirth> <future world> <futurity>
1. 你相信来世吗?
Do you believe in the hereafter?
2. 坐在那里哭鼻子有什么作用?你可以哭到来世……家里的生活费你还是一个子儿也拿不到 。
It's no use sitting there crying. You can cry till kingdom come…you're still not getting any housekeeping money.
3. 我们对来世能知道些什么呢?
【来生的英文怎么写】What can we know of the beyond?
4. 生命是如此有趣,所以我从不考虑死或来世 。
The life is so interesting that I give no thought to death or the beyond.
2.我们来生再见吧,英文字怎么写来生 的英语是 the next life
来生再见 See you in the next life (这也许是不吉祥的一句话)
让我们来生再会吧 Let's meet again in the next life
我们来生会相逢 We'll meet again in the next life
我们来生会相逢的(表示肯定/承诺) We shall meet again in the next life

