
adj.小的; 琐碎的; 娇小的; 幼小的;
adv.不多 , 略微; 少许 , 一点; 短时间地;
n.(表示否定)微少; 没有多少; 短时间;
【低级英语怎么写】det.(数量上)微少的 , 少到几乎没有的; (a little)少量的 , 一些;
adj.小的; 难为情的; 低级的 , 卑劣的; 细微的 , 微弱的;
adv.小小地; 卑鄙地;
n.细小部分 , 腰部; 琐碎东西; 身份低的人; 矮小的人;
adj.次要的 , 没价值的;
adj.不重要的; 卑鄙的 , 小气的; 小的 , 一点点; 小规模的;
n.[会]小额; 佩蒂; 厕所;
n.小人国居民 , 侏儒;
望采纳^ ^
2.求一篇低级点的英语作文Dear Alex,
I am happy to receive your letter on monday. You said that you had a very good time during the winter vocation. And you have been to Qingdao for travelling.Did you take some photos? Please show me when I come to visit you.By the way, would you please buy a book for me? It is difficult to buy at our downtown.
I am look forward for you reply.
3.用比较低级的英语词汇帮忙翻译一下东西It has been school for two weeks, we have gradually adapted the busy life of the third year in Senior High. Now, we really want to know: what are we aiming for? To achieve this goal, what do I have, what am I lacking? For this dream, what efforts do I have to pay, or even what sacrifices do I have to make. Am I ready to face the obstacles in the road?
We have to believe: Since we have came here, we all have our goals, our directions, and believe that we can do well! Today I am going to make some new progresses comparing to yesterday, fellow classmates who have made good marks, must remember the principle of "There will be people stronger than you", and consider the competition from a wider view, be ambitious, have high expectations of your self, to achieve more. Fellow classmates who haven't made good marks, remember that "It is never too late to remedy the situation", consider for your future and developments, be confident, be strong. We also have to plan our study, to have a good habit, keep the efficiency of our class, learn to experience and enjoy the joy of studying. And lastly, I wish that my fellow classmates can have a rich third year in Senior High, and have some achievements.
4.问英语的低级作文~~The climate in our country is very pleasant. It's always warm in spring, hot in summer and cold in winter.
My favourite season is autumn, because it's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November. It's certainly interesting. The other reason is the days are short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and sets early. I can do my favourite things in the evening.
Autumn is a harvest season. I can make great progress in autumn. I like the golden season, and you?
气候在我们国家是非常愉快的 。总是温暖的春天 , 夏热冬冷 。
我最喜欢的季节是秋季 , 因为它总是温暖的9月和10月 。这往往是寒冷的11月 。这当然有趣 。另外一个原因是天的短期和长期的夜晚 。太阳升起的晚集早期 。我能做到的事情我最喜欢在晚上 。
秋天是收获的季节 。我可以取得重大进展秋季 。我喜欢的黄金季节 , 你呢?

