
1.老的英文怎麽写old, aged,senior
aged [a·ged || 'e?d??d]
adj. 年老的; 陈的; 旧的; 成熟的
She nurses her aged mother.
I found her greatly aged.
Aged people are always envious of young people's energy.
上年纪的人总羡慕年轻人的精力 。
senior ['si:nj?]
n. 年长者,上司,毕业班学生
a. 年长的,高级的,资深的
She was unfit for such a senior position.
她不能胜任这样的高级职位 。
Lying north of the church is a girls' senior high school.
位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中 。
He is my senior by two years.
他比我大两岁 。
2.总的来说 用英文怎么表达 谢谢另一方面: on the other hand
Relative explainations:
<on the other side> <one the other hand> <the other side ofshield>
1. 一方面你不应当拘束,另一方面也不要放肆无礼 。
On the one hand, you shouldn't be shy; on the other hand, you mustn't forget your manners.
2. 这是一部小说,在另一方面,它又可以被看作一部传记 。
This is a novel, but on the other hand, it can be looked as a biography.
3. 一方面我必须工作;另一方面我有许多来宾要照看 。
On one hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see.
4. 在另一方面,戈尔巴乔夫承认,他的既迂腐又专权的官僚政府是现代化最大的阻碍 。因此这位苏联领袖迅速意识到,政治与经济改革必须齐头并进 。
Mr. Gorbachev, on the other hand, recognized that his sluggish and authoritarian bureaucracy was the worst impediment to modernization. That is why the Soviet leader came more quickly to the view that political and economic change must go hand in hand.
5. 一方面我是你的老师,另一方面,我也是你的朋友 。
On one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other, I am also your friend.
3.用英语怎么说1 return by plane, flying back 2 where you live two weeks, and your friends visited many places of interest 3 you went to the seaside and swimming in the sea in 4 you in dalian had a happy time, when you leave when my friend Yang mei at the airport to see you off. 。
4."背单词"用英语怎么说背单词用英语表示为:Recite words 。其中recite的英式发音为 [r??sa?t],美式发音为 [r??sa?t]。意思有:vt.& vi.背诵,叙述,列举 。vt.吟诵,详述,列举 。vi.背诵,叙述 。
Recite words的用法
Did I recite words today?
2、无论结果怎么样,我会交叉手指和脚趾来祝福自己赶上学习的进度!现在我要去背单词了 。
Anyway, I will be crossing my fingers and toes for myself to catch up with the progress.
3、我背单词都背怕了 。
I have a hard time memorizing words.
4、我的英语课很无聊,老师总叫我们背单词 。
My English lesson is boring, the teacher always asks us to recite words.
5、“浴缸效应”大概是与背单词有关的文献记录中最常见的一个现象了 。
The'bathtub effect'is perhaps the most commonly reported finding in the literature on memory for words.
Words are powerful! I love words! I love memorizing words! Words are my best friends!
Don't memorizing words. however, how can you remember if you do not do it?
8、对于我个人而言,背单词就能让我更容易而且更好的睡觉 。
As for me, reciting English words will make me sleep much faster and better.