松树的英语怎么写( 二 )

但它不在乎,它一切为的是别人 。啊!它让我佩服的五体投地 你可以适当的修改 望采纳谢谢 。
3.松的用英语怎么说一、松的英文是pine,音标英 [pa?n]、美 [pa?n] 。
Trees such as spruce, pine and oak have been planted.
种植了云杉、松树和橡树等树木 。
I will pine to death, if I'm deprived of you,
even by some unavoidable circumstances.
即使在不得已的情况下失去你,我也会憔悴致死 。
I pine for the countryside.
我渴望乡间的生活 。
直接源自古英语的pin;最初源自拉丁语的pinus,意为松树 。
v. (动词)
1、pine的基本意思是“消瘦,憔悴” 。引申可作“渴望,羡慕”解,指因渴望而苦恼,或由于徒劳的朝思暮想而造成身体衰弱或对身体造成损害 。
2、pine是不及物动词,后常接介词for或动词不定式 。
v. (动词)
pine, long, yearn
这组词的共同意思是“渴望” 。其区别在于:
1、pine暗示苦苦思念不可能得到的事物; long暗示有强烈的愿望并付诸努力; yearn则暗示不安地或痛苦地渴望做到某事或得到某物 。
2、long和yearn后均可跟for短语或不定式,但long是一般用语,用于褒义或贬义均可;而yearn则通常用于高尚的感情或用于诗歌中 。例如:
My brother yearned to return to his native land.我哥哥渴望回故乡 。
4.“松树”的英语如何说松树: 1. pine2. pinetree3. pine tree4. pinaster Examples:1. 我们家附近有片松树林 。
There is a pine forest near our house.2. 松树是常青树 。Pines are evergreens.3. 他们步行穿过森林,呼吸着松树的芳香 。
They walked through the forest breathing the scent of pines.4. 云杉和松树都是常绿树木 。Spruce and pine are evergreen trees.5. 松树不畏严寒 。
The pine trees defy severe cold.6. 沿河两岸种着松树 。Pine trees were planted all along the river.7. 松树、雪松、云杉都是常绿的树. The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens.一群松树a stand of pine.松树的针叶a pine needle有些松树 。
There are some pine trees there.松木松树木料The wood of the pine tree.松树针尖的气味the scent of pine needles.松树四季常青 。Pines are green all the year round.松树顶天而立 。
Pines shoot up against the sky.隐藏在松树间的小屋a cabin that was tucked among the pines.我们种植了20排松树We put in 20 rows of pine trees 。. 。
5.请写一篇关于松树的英文介绍Pine trees (the genus Pinus) are distinguished from all other trees by: (a) having uncovered seeds borne in pairs on the bracts of (female) cones (as do other genera of the Pinaceae family) and (b) narrow leaves ("needles") arranged in bundles of 2 to 5 and with a permanent or deciduous sheath at their bases. Such bundles of needles are called fascicles (after the bundle of sticks around the axe which represented the power of the Roman senate).
Pines are mostly large trees with a straight trunk with whorls of smaller lateral branches, but they have a wide range of habits varying from tall narrow trees to small bushy trees to prostrate shrubs. They are generally long-lived, usually over 100 years in suitable environments. The longest living individuals of any kind are the fabled intermountain bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) which currently has living trees at least 4,800 years old. (The root systems of the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) may be even older). All pine species are evergreen, i.e., they keep their leaves for at least two growing seasons (and up to about 30 years in the case of P. longaeva)