
1.松树用英语怎么说pine tree
2.关于松树的英语作文Jinniushan home on foot, green Tamae here. Beautiful here. Although there is no special watching, but come back down from that tree has been recorded in the years when my mind. Spring, he braved the cold wind, has been standing in the mountains, and it is so strong, no matter how much wind, it is still guarding the frontier guard. Slowly from the mountains to open a flower, which sometimes let those flowers grass. For their blocking the wind and rain. No matter what circumstances, would rather sacrifice their own safety should also consider the peer, it makes me admire great. In April or May, the summer ushered in one of the most glorious sun, the temperature over 30 degrees every day, it has been in the top stand. There is so hot, it did not shed a little sweat, where . I suddenly found that its "bark" on some scattered, it was someone with a small knife to bully it. why? Their own flesh by such a big injury, it has never cried. Drink it in the mountains has never been a drop of water, alone guarding of their own, and those flowers as early as their run Xiaocaohu hide the sun. I imagine it as the "iron man", it is my idol. Gradually fall has arrived, the morning walk here to see the leaves have many small beads, crystal bright, the wind blowing in the afternoon, looked at the rise of small leaves, is not it! Small leaves one hungry cried , a bowed head. Some like hungry, and they desperately with her mother. However, mother-in-law came to the wind, simply say a few words of the hands of small leaves. Ah, this autumn's really a great family, I would like for it to tears.Let alone in December, the mountain is covered with a white coat, all white. Only the body of the white pine away, their cold, he was fighting the wind and snow, all day all night in the mountains, "the boil." Why is it so strong, in this cold winter night, people are to enjoy a dream, but independence only in guarding it. Although it leaves the mother-in-law was taken away from the wind a few films. But it do not care, it is all for others. Ah! It makes me admire the five-body voted to 家乡就在金牛山脚下,这里苍翠玉枝 。
这里美不胜收 。虽然没有特别观赏过,但是从那次下山回来松树一直记在我的脑海时里 。
春天开始的时候,他就冒着凛冽的寒风,在山上一直矗立着,它是那样坚强,不管多大的风,它仍然站岗守卫边疆 。慢慢地山上开起了小花,它有时还会让着那些小花小草 。
为它们遮挡风雨 。不管在什么环境下,宁肯自己先牺牲也要考虑同伴的安全,它令我佩服极了 。
就在四五月,夏季迎来了一个最光彩的太阳,每天温度三十多度,它就在山顶一直矗立着 。那儿是多么热,它却没有一点儿汗水流下,在那儿挺着腰板 。
我突然发现它的“树皮”上有些散落,原来是有人用小刀子欺负它 。它为什么不哭?自己的皮肉受到这样大的伤害,它从未哭过 。
在山上它从未喝过一滴水,孤零零的自己守卫着,而那些小花小草们早跑去躲太阳了 。它像我想象中的“铁人”,它是我的偶像 。
【松树的英语怎么写】渐渐地秋天到来了,早晨漫步在这里看到叶子上有许多小水珠,晶莹透亮,就在中午秋风吹来,抬头望着小树叶,可不是嘛!小树叶都哭了一个个饿得面黄肌瘦,一个个耷拉着脑袋 。有的好像饿弯了腰,它们拼命地抱着妈妈 。
可是风婆婆来到,硬是扯开小树叶的双手 。啊,这秋天的亲情真伟大,我想为它落泪 。
更不用说十二月了,整座山都披上了一件白大衣,全变白了 。唯独松树把身上的白衣甩开,自己受冻,任风吹雪打,整日整夜在山上“熬着 。”
它为什么那么坚强,在这寒冬的晚上,人们都在安享着美梦,唯独只有它还在守卫着 。虽然它的绿叶被风婆婆抢走了几片 。