
1.停止的英文怎么写的停止的英文单词有:stop、halt、quit、cessation、cease 1、stop 读音:英 [st?p] 美 [stɑ?p] v. 停止;阻止;停留 n. 停止;逗留;车站 例句:They stopped to talk when they met on the street. 他们在街上相遇时 , 停下来聊了几句 。
2、halt 读音:英 [h??lt] 美 [h??lt] n. 停止;止步 v. 停止;中止;暂停 v. 踌躇;犹豫;跛行 例句:The officer called a halt to attacks. 那个军官下令停止进攻 。3、quit 读音:英 [kw?t] 美 [kw?t] v. 停止;离开;退出;辞职 例句:Quit work when the siren sounds. 汽笛响时停止工作 。
4、cessation 读音:英 [se'se??n] 美 [se'se??n] n. 终止;(短暂的)停止 例句:Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动 。5、cease 读音:英 [si:s] 美 [sis] vt.停止 , 终止 , 结束 vi.终止 , 停止;永不停止的过程;停止行动 n.停止 例句:At one o'clock the rain had ceased. 一点时 , 雨已停了 。
2.停英语怎么写停 几种含义:动词1. (停止) stop; halt; cease; pause:halt the bombing;停炸pause and ponder;停下细想2. (停留) stay; remain; stop off [over]:The ship remained in anchorage for a month.船在锚地停了一个月 。
On my way to New York, I stopped over in Tokyo for two days.我在去纽约的途中在东京停了两天 。3. (停放; 停泊) park; place; anchor; berth:The car parked at the gateway.车停在大门口 。
Where did the ship berth?船停在何处?量词(总数分成几份 ,  其中的一份) part; portion; out of ten:Nine out of ten families are gone.十停儿人家去了九停儿 。形容词(停当) ready; settled; well-arranged希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O。
3.请停止英文怎么写stop: [ st?p ]
Stop to do 是停下来做另外一件事 , stop doing 是停止做某事 。
n. 停止 , 车站 , 滞留
【停的英语单词怎么写】v. 停止 , 停止 , 制止
1. They stopped to talk when they met on the street.
他们在街上相遇时 , 停下来聊了几句 。
2. They would stop the rich from robbing the poor.
他们要制止富人掠夺穷人 。
3. They put a stop to the evils.
他们杜绝了这些坏事 。
4. The train stopped at the station.
火车在车站上停了下来 。
5. His heart has stopped.
他的心脏停止了跳动 。
6. I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.
我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来 。
7. I'm stopping (at) home tonight.
8. You can't stop our going/us (from) going if we want to.
假若我们要去 ,  你是阻止不了的.

