Enjoying the cool shade, went to New Zealand children (referring to the fruit and other fruit just finished) grew up, but a few bitter gourd! I hope that planting, harvesting a disappointment; I want sweet, has been bitter. I sigh, I was so upset, I am self-blame. However, I switched to a thought, after all, is also a bitter harvest 呀! Southerners do not like to eat bitter gourd? It looks quite special: as if she threw a frog skin spindle. Color is green in the transparent yellow, yellow with orange inside. Cut open the skin, seeds are wrapped in blood-red Rangzi. Is not that it has been soaked in my Kuxin, sucking my efforts only be born so it look like? Perhaps. Suddenly my thoughts Piaoyuan: the nature, there are bitter gourd, bitter, bitter almond; this world a lifetime grappling in their careers, but not tasted Qing Jie sweet person, always there strike? Their descendants in the Insert fork in the road a number of "blind alley" of the wooden plaque. Losers of life trajectories, provides a shortcut for the winners. Failure to make future generations become smarter. Also, who asserted that bitter not sweet? You see, during the long voyage, the sea of bitterness, bitter ship, there may be distant shore. Bees in which to adopt a bitter powder, do not break wings, will find a sweet overflowing garden. Also, interestingly, was actually rang bitter sweet? It appears that there is bitter sweet, hard work there are sweet, sweet, these words are not without foundation, right? Oh, carefully try to grow their own bar of bitter gourd, bitter gourd accompanied by ginger, chilli, do not be a good feeling. Bitterness into the heart, heart-clearing eyesight, people thought calmly。
2.四年下册第六单元作文以《种瓜》为题的作文今天是星期六 , 小明帮王爷爷摘了半天西瓜 , 累得腰酸背痛 , 王爷爷送给小明一个大西瓜 。
小明回到家里 , 立刻拿来菜刀 , “喀嚓”一下把西瓜切成了两半 。呀 , 多好的西瓜呀 , 鲜红的瓤 , 黑黑的籽 , 一阵清香扑鼻而来 。
小明恨不得一口把它吞掉 。小明飞快的把西瓜切成几块 。
小明惊呆了:只见红色的西瓜瓤下面 , 有一层蓝色的西瓜瓤 , 有一层黄色的西瓜瓤 , 还有一层粉红色的西瓜瓤 , 西瓜籽也成了紫色的 , 只有芝麻粒那么大 。小明拿来勺子尝了尝 , 粉红色的甜美无比 , 蓝色的比巧克力还棒 , 黄色的发出烤肉串的香味 。
小明高兴极了 , 恨不得马上把它消灭掉 。小明刚要吃 , 可又一想 , 老师给我们上课多辛苦呀 , 这么好的西瓜应该让老师尝一尝;小强有好吃的、好玩的总想着我 , 我还欠人家一个人情呢;上次表哥送给我一套《奥特曼》全集 , 我还没感谢他呢;前几天李丽和我闹别扭 , 我一直没想出办法和她和好;表弟是个小谗猫 , 不给他 , 他一定会哭闹的……可就这么一个西瓜 , 怎么分呢?小明左思右想 , 终于想出了一个好办法——种瓜 。
小明美滋滋的把西瓜吃完了 , 然后把西瓜籽种在了自己家的菜园里 , 每天都去给它浇水 。一个月过去了 , 半年过去了 , 西瓜没有发芽 。
一年过去了 , 两年过去了 , 西瓜还没有动静 。小明心里想:这下完了 , 我的愿望再也不能实现了 。
3.种瓜种豆作文600字描写人生今天 , 老师布置了一项观察作业:种黄豆 。目的有两个:一个是了解黄豆生长的过程;一个是培养我们的观察能力 。
我一回到家就拿起一个盘子 , 放满了水 , 撒下一把干干的黄豆 , 有的黄豆浮在了水面上;有的黄豆沉入了水底 , 我心想:总有一天这些黄豆一定能够长出绿绿的嫩芽来的 。
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