
1."如果"的英文单词怎么写ifin casein the event that if in case in the event that 参考例句他在说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了 。
His argument contains too many ifs and buts.不适合如果来客行动诡异就打电话给大楼保安人员Call Building security if a visitor acts suspicious.不适合如果他不加倍努力他就得不到奖 。He will lose the reward if he doesn't try harder.不适合如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿 。
You'd better shape up if you want to stay on.不适合如果你……我就帮你按摩 。I'll give you a massage if you 。
不适合如果必要我可以早点来 。I could come earlier, if necessary.不适合如果你不规矩的话我要打你的耳光 。
I'll clip your ears if you don't behave.不适合如果你愿意可以搭我的车 。I'll give you a lift if you like.不适合 。
in case
in the event that
in case
in the event that
他在说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了 。
His argument contains too many ifs and buts.不适合
Call Building security if a visitor acts suspicious.不适合
如果他不加倍努力他就得不到奖 。
He will lose the reward if he doesn't try harder.不适合
如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿 。
You'd better shape up if you want to stay on.不适合
如果你……我就帮你按摩 。
I'll give you a massage if you 。不适合
如果必要我可以早点来 。
I could come earlier, if necessary.不适合
如果你不规矩的话我要打你的耳光 。
I'll clip your ears if you don't behave.不适合
如果你愿意可以搭我的车 。
I'll give you a lift if you like.不适合
3.“如果”这个词语用英文怎么写如果 [rú guǒ]if in the event that in case相关解释:if and when in the event on condition that on the understanding that supposing provided that 。
that would be OK if according as 例句:如果这是真的又该如何呢?What if it is true?如果明天天气好,我门宜于出门 。If it is fine tomorrow, we should go out.如果他现在回来怎么办?What if he comes back now? 。

