
1.抽屉的英语单词怎么拼写抽屉 [chōuti] drawer 单词"抽屉"的英汉对照例句: 最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀 。
There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer. 这五斗柜的抽屉容易推进和拉出 。The bureau drawers slide in and out easily. 她拉开抽屉 , 拿出一双短袜 。
She opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks. 由于必须弯下腰来从最下面的抽屉中把东西拿进拿出 , 她腰酸背痛了 。Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer. 马赫先生从抽屉里拿出一条链子 , 链子一头挂着一串钥匙 。
From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end. 湿季过后所有的抽屉都如肯特郡的牡蛎一般关得死死的 。After the damp weather all the drawers became as fast as a Kentish oyster. '你把剪刀放在哪儿了?'‘我把它放(回)到抽屉里了 。
’ `Where did you put the scissors?' `I put them (back) in the drawer.' 最上面的抽屉是放刀叉的 。The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in. 这抽屉太紧了 , 我打不开 。
This drawer is too tight for me to open it. 我看见他进了房间 , 打开抽屉的锁 , 取出文件 , 照了相 , 然珐浮粹簧诔毫达桐惮昆后又把它放回去 。I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and put it back. 他找到了藏在抽屉里的钱 。
He found the money secreted in a drawer. 他开始把衣服乱塞在抽屉里 。He started shoving clothes into drawers. 他把日记锁在上层抽屉里 。
He locked his diary in the upper drawer. 请在抽屉里铺上纸 。Line the drawer with paper, please. 你在我抽屉里乱翻什么? What are you burrowing around in my drawer for? 。
[英][dr?:(r)] [美][dr??]
n.抽屉; 开票人 , 出票人; 起草者; 酒馆侍 者; 复数:drawers
1.You know he had it all in his drawer. 你知道他在自己的抽屉里有这一切 。
【抽屉英文单词怎么写】2.The report of the seizure stated that t he drawer exhaled a strong smell of po wder. 搜查报告还证明抽斗里有强烈的火药味 。
3.Each drawer has its own foldable legs . 每个抽屉有独立的可折叠桌腿 。
4.Eg. this drawer sticks badly. 这个抽屉卡得死死的 。
5.The clerk rushes to get the drawer op en. 那个雇员急忙把收银抽屉打开 。

