
读音:英 ['d?entlm?n] 美 ['d?entlm?n]
释义:n. 绅士;先生;有教养的人
1、Modern Gentleman 现代绅士 ; 当代名士
2、English Gentleman 英国绅士
3、gentleman ranker 贵族出身之士兵
1、I like him, because he is an up-front gentleman.
我喜欢他,因为他是一位坦率的绅士 。
2、Another gentleman came up behind me, asking if I could talk.
另一位绅士来到我身后,询问我是否还能说话 。
3、The old gentleman had on a classic suit.
那位老年绅士穿著一套古朴的传统服装 。
13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的gentil,意为高贵,高尚的 。
gentleman的意思是“上等人,绅士,君子” 。主要指那些出身及社会地位较上层的男士 。gentleman也可指“有教养的、诚实的人” 。
gentleman也可指“男人,先生”,指无论人品还是操行都无可挑剔的人 。
gentleman还可作“富贵闲人,富绅”解,指有钱,有闲暇,有社会地位,不需要为生活操劳的人 。
gent 英 [d?ent]美 [d??nt]
例句:Mr Blake was a gent. He knew how to behave.
布莱克先生是位绅士,举止得体 。
2.求英语作文,闲人勿扰忽忽,花了半个小时终于写出来了~~LZ看看 。
My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations
At present, a few cheating phenomenona are existed in some schools. Especially for those students who are going to take college entrance examination, this phenomenon is needed to pay more attention. There are several aspects for this point.
First of all, it makes a bad influence to the adolescent. They were used to not work hard at their study and become lazy. However, when they got an examination, the first one to come to their mind is cheating from other good classmates. Because it is the most convenient and simple way to get better results without any efforts. Moreover, they break the rules of school. They don't have principle to be an upright person. At least they are not honest. The last but not least, it breaks the Chinese traditional moral spirit.
In my opinion, they should study hard, and get well prepared for every examination. Maybe they also should improve their study methods and get a better score.

