
1.古筝的音怎么用字写先打开开关. 有两种方法 ,  手动和自动 , 自己按 , 上面有 ,  NO,1 你可以把古筝盖子打开 , 把他夹在盖子打开 , 琴弦右边的边上可以 NO,2 你用手动的 , 把他夹在琴码上 , 调第一根 , 就显示一 , 夹在一号琴码上 , 第二根 , 就调成二 , 夹到第二个琴码上.往后推 ,  ,  ,  上面两种都可以用自动和手动 , 但 , 第二个 , 最好用手动的.. 调的时候 , 左边红灯亮了 , 就是低了 , 右边红灯亮了 , 就是高了 ,  中间绿灯 , 就是正好 ,  低音区震动低 , 所以反应慢 , 多试几次 ,  我觉得你调音器少用点. 先自己听听 , 再看看准不准 , 不能每次都指望那东西. 多听 , 多调对稳定音高有好处 。
与 古筝 相关的例句a (Japanese) musician who plays the koto.
(日本)弹奏十三弦古筝的音乐家 。
Critics, Quotations and Press Reviews
No,but he used to export Chinese musical instruments, such as zithers ( kucheng),flutes.
不 , 但他以前出口中国乐器 , 象古筝鼓 , 长笛 。
No, but he used to export Chinese musical instruments, such as zithers(kucheng), flutes.
不 , 但他以前出口中国乐器 , 象古筝鼓 , 长笛 。
No,but he used to export Chinese musical instruments, such as zithers ( kucheng),flutes and drums.
不 , 但他以前出口中国乐器 , 象古筝鼓 。
No, but he used to export Chinese musical instruments, such as zithers(kucheng), flutes and drums.
不 , 但他以前出口中国乐器 , 象古筝鼓 。
The concert featured a classicial combination of various Chinese instruments,such as the Guzhen,Pipa and others.
整场音乐会穿插着一些中国古典乐器的表演 , 如琵琶、古筝等等 。
The Zheng, commonly known as "Guzheng, (pronounced "Goo-Zheng), is one of the most ancient Chinese musical instruments that recorded in written documents in the Qin dynasty (about 220 BC).In the jury's words: "Liu Fang's mastery of the pipa and the guzheng has established her international reputation as a highly talented young interpreter of traditional Chinese music.
古筝是中国最古老弹弦乐器之一 。评委会对刘芳的艺术成就作了如下总结:“刘芳在演奏中国传统音乐中所表现出来的音乐修养和琵琶古筝演奏技巧使她成为国际著名的演奏家 。
She performs master pieces of the Chinese music with not only her fingers but also her heart and graceful figure.
她是用整个身心在演奏 , 使她自己也完全地融入到音乐之中.刘芳不仅是优秀的琵琶演奏家 , 而且她的古筝演奏也非常出色 。
Honoured with several provincial and national prizes, Liu Fang graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where she also studied the guzheng, a Chinese zither.
3.古筝附点音符怎么写其实我也想问你是想知道简谱版还是五线谱版 。
举一个例子吧 , 1和3的附点 。
简谱版:第一步:1和3下面画一条能把两个音都刚好包含进去的横线 , 再在3的下面再画一条只把3包含进去的短横线 。简单点说 , 也就是1和3下面先共有一条长线 , 3的长线下面再有一条小短线 。