
1.彼此用英语怎么说彼此用英语是each other 。
each other 英[i:t? ??e?(r] 美[it? ??e?r]
v. (用作动词或介词的宾语) 互相,彼此;
[例句]These two examples duplicate each other.
这两个例子重了 。
They support each other in their work.
他们在工作中互相支持 。
The scientists have already experimented at each other's test sites.
科学家已经在彼此的实验场所进行了实验 。
They are reconciled with each other again.; They are on good terms again.
他们和好了 。
The ladies spent some time catching up on each other's health and families
女士们花了点时间叙旧,聊了聊彼此的健康和家庭状况 。
We are very familiar with each other.
我们相互之间很熟 。
2.“彼此彼此”用英语怎么说Right back at you
1. 其他翻译:
2. the same to you
3. you too
4. in similar position
5. “我感染上了重感冒”“彼此彼此,我也是 。”
I have a bad cold.
join the club. I have one, too.
6. “再见啦,非常感谢,祝你好运 。”“彼此彼此 。”
Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck.
The same to you.
7. 谢谢你! 彼此彼此玛丽,也祝你快乐 。
Thank you!
The same to you, Mary.
8. 你现在要吃的是我的鸡 ,我警告你,你怎样对这只鸡,彼此彼此我就怎样对你,你撕下一条鸡腿,我就扯断你一条腿 。
That is MY chicken you are about to eat and I'll warn you whatever you do to that chicken I'll do the same to you. You pull out one of its legs, I'll pull out one of.
9. 彼此彼此和你合作我也很愉快 。
I like working with you too.
3.英语中“彼此彼此”怎么说彼此彼此: same here
"I think I ate too much."-"Same here. I did to."
"我想我吃得太多了 。"--"彼此彼此 。我也吃得太多了 。"
Same to you.
彼此彼此 。
You must have taken a lot of trouble about it.--So must you!
They chipped at each other.
他们彼此相互嘲笑 。
Each other or one another
They have mutual admiration and then mutual love.
他们彼此倾慕,尔后彼此相爱 。
We cemented our friendship.
我们巩固彼此的友谊 。
They are affectionate to each other.
他们彼此的感情深厚 。
They were estranged from each other.
他们彼此变疏远了 。
They were hard by each other.
他们彼此很亲密 。
We write to each other regularly.
我们彼此经常通信 。

