
1.笔友的英文怎么写笔友是一种借着书信往来而发展出来的友谊关系,英文为Pen Pals 或Pen Friends 。
在网络兴起之前,藉笔书写信件往来的交友方式较为流行 。书信在某些方面比时下的电子邮件(e-mail)要好,因为借着邮差递送,需要往返的时日,等着收信的心情是很特别的,展读书信、看着受心情牵动的字迹、和随着时日而来的泛黄的信封与信纸,常会带来另一番的趣味 。
仍有相关机构在推广以笔友会的交友方式 。在网络上也有人开始使用笔友一词来代表网友中的一种,在欧美国家尤其流行 。
另有卫斯理同名小说,和方文山同名作品 。
2.关于【笔友】的英语作文怎么写阳光快乐66369 童鞋,您好(⊙o⊙)哦 关于Pen Pal 笔友的作文,在人教版小学PEP教材中,曾学过《My Pen Pal》一单元,您可以查阅一下(⊙o⊙)哦 现呈上美文三篇,给您做做参考,希望能帮助您~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦~ <一> My pen-friend I have a pen-friend. 我有一个笔友 。
She is the same age as me . 她和我一样大 。She is taller than me. 她比我高 。
She is a quiet girl. 她是一个文静的女孩 。She is friendly and helpful. 她很友好,而且乐于助人 。
I like playing sports, but she likes reading books. 我喜欢运动,但是她喜欢读书 。But we have the same hobbies. 但是我们有共同的爱好 。
It's playing chess. 这是下象棋 。We are all outgoing. 我们都很外向 We'd like to make friends. 我们喜欢交朋友 。
We are not the same . 我们不是一样的, We are different ! 我们不同! <二> The Advantages of Saving Money Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. What should they do with this extra income? While it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future. By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, he practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. In this way th讥顶罐雇忒概闺谁酣京ey are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives. Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. However, if we learn to save our money, we cangain more advantages in the future. We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now. <三> Dear Lily , How are you][ ? My name is cindy . I am 12 years old this year . I am very glad to write a letter to you to introduce myself . I am a actively and open-minded girl . My hair is not only long but also blank .And my eyes are large as well brighten . I'm happy and i would like to make more friends .Hope i can affect all the people around me will happy every day . Looking forward to your prompt reply . Best wishes to you . 。
3.我的笔友英语作文50(含翻译)My Pen Pal我的笔友
I made a pen pal two years ago. Her name is Cindy. She is from Shanghai.She saidit's a beautiful city and hopes I can visit there one day.We communicate witheach other by letters. So receiving letters is the most expected.We have manythings to talk, because we have many same interests, such as music, cartoon,sport and so on.We also share our lives and discuss our study.I am so happyto have someone to talk to and share my life.两年前,我交了一个笔友,她的名字叫辛蒂,来自上海 。她说上海是一个很美丽的城市,希望我有一天能去那里玩 。我们彼此通过信件交流,所以收信是我最期待的事情 。我和她有很多话聊,因为我们有很多共同的兴趣爱好,比如音乐、动漫、体育等等 。我们也分享各自的生活,一起探讨学习 。我很高兴能有人聊天、分享生活 。