
1.介绍怀化 英文Level city of Huaihua city is the hunan province of the People's Republic of China, is located in the west of hunan province, is located in the yuan river basin, historically known as the "land of five streams", the city's total area of 2.76 square kilometers and a population of 4.9016 million, the municipal people's government in crane fuqian road city.
Huaihua city unique geographical conditions, traffic obvious advantages, "qian dian portal", since ancient times "the chu throat", is the "bridgehead" to the southwest China area of Middle East and domestic important railway hub city, has "the train dragged to the city," said. it is the only city in hunan province that has won the title of "national ecological demonstration zone" .With the original ecological botanical garden, ancient architecture museum, multi-ethnic culture village, the birthplace of hybrid rice, and the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, etc.
2.写湖南怀化得英语作文初一【怀化英语怎么写】My favorite city is Harbin.Last year I went to Harbin with my parents .I am really happy.The buildings in Harbin are in Russian style.They are very beautiful .And I went to Sun island in Harbin.There were many old people in the fishing.I also rode bicycle here.The bicycle was special.This bicycle had three seats.The food in Harbin was very delicious.There special is sausage .People here are very friendly.If you have difficulties,they will be very eager to help you.I love the city .I want to go there again. 。
3.英语介绍我的家乡怀化Huaihua is in a mountainous region of Hunan. The mountain peaks are rather high. Huaihua is located south of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, and shares the same mountain belt. Zhangjiajie is known for its different peaks and valleys.The area's rural poverty is a continuing problem. Developing the mountain resources has been a question for some time.Railroads provide the main transportation in the region, although an accessible highway and airport have been built recently. The only other airport in Zhijiang was rebuilt from a military airport. Zhijiang is also the place where the Japanese surrendered to China on August 21, 1945.Huaihua is home to the Second Artillery Corps Base 55, which is tasked with maintaining ICBMs. The nuclear assets at Huaihua are intended for small-scale nuclear conflict (with a limited, but nuclear, exchange), as well as the ability to strike Guam, one of only two B-2 bases.As the region's development continues, the western countryside will have greater chance to grow. With Huaihua's important location, it will likely offer great opportunities in travel, agriculture, services, and industry, which in turn can help guide the whole westward region's development. 。
4.急求一篇用英语介绍怀化的的短文,字数在100下面2个沙发是2B别理他们,我有一篇是介绍芷江风雨桥的,你看看吧 。
~~~ Zhijiang Longjin Boasting nineteen years before the Ming Wanli (1591 AD), after 400 years of vicissitudes. Boasting built on the River is different from other ethnic Dong A significant feature. River City Dance will be designated as something Zhijiang two and a half, watching the water dance, throughout the year. The boat was crossing the pedestrian cross-strait people and business travel are often buried inside the fish. Nineteen years of Ming Dynasty (1591), a man named Yuan-chow wide cloud of the monk, four running fund-raising, raising a total capital of 15,000 taels of silver bridge, stone grain 11 million in the construction of the wind and rain bridge, pier and water due to Jin Longkou spray form, hence the name "Longjin Boasting." But three years of Wanli (1602), a mountain torrent, the Longjin Boasting destroyed. Zhen Ming were six years (1633), in Yunnan are the state Division Yuan Ye Qian Ruan Chenglin take the lead in the book donation, rehabilitation Longjin Boasting. I did not expect four years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1777), Longin Boasting a fire reduced to ashes turn. Since then, restoration, water damage, fire, war, and has been the main theme of this wind and rain bridge. Initial resistance, the Administration will Longjin Boasting the gallery, pavilion full withdrawal, transformed into a highway bridge pier wood surface. Zhijiang Airport is the Allied Air Force Base, and Longin Boasting is the main military supply route southwest. Therefore, at the airport and Long Jinqiao has become a major bombing target machine, most of the day 27 Japanese aircraft bombarded. Surprisingly, the Longjin Boasting in the flood, before the fire appears fragile, and in the face of the aggressor is strong and unyielding bomb, despite how the Japanese aircraft bombing, it has in the dance of water lying on top of Enron. 字可能多了一点,有些地方用词不对的自己删改点吧 。希望楼主喜欢,望采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~~~~~~~ 。