
1.脚英语怎么写的脚的英文:foot 英 [f?t] 美 [f?t] n.脚;底部;英尺(=12 英寸或 30 。
48 厘米);脚步 vt.走,踏 vt.& vi.结算,总计,共计 1、A man caught his foot in the lawnmower. 有个男的一只脚绞进剪草机里了 。e69da5e887aa3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306530 2、His foot has gone to sleep. 他的脚麻木了 。
【你的脚英语怎么写】 3、It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot 那是一场非常严重的事故,他有一只脚残废了 。扩展资料 foot、claw、hoof、paw词义辨析 1、foot n. 脚,足多指人的脚,也可指动物的蹄 。
His feet hurt after the long walk. 走了很长时间之后,他双脚酸痛 。2、claw n. 爪 指鸟、兽、昆虫等锋利而弯曲的爪尖 。
The claws of a tiger are very sharp. 老虎的爪子非常锋利 。3、hoof n. 蹄 指马、牛等动物的蹄子 。
The teacher asked his pupils how many hooves a cow has. 老师问他的学生们一头牛有几只蹄子 。4、paw n. 爪子; [非正式]手 指动物包括爪尖在内的爪子,比较软;也可喻指人的手,作此义解时常含贬义 。
He doesn't know how to paint a lion's paw. 他不知道该如何画狮爪 。
2.你的脚好点了吗1. Have you felt your feet/stomach better?
2. Now he is uncomfortable, you still don't want to disturb him.
3. Now I have felt my stomach better
4. How many degrees dose he have a fever ?
5. He had a fever of 39 degrees, I advised him to go to an injection or eat antipyretics
6. 都对!
3.你踩着我的脚了用英语怎么说用stand或者 用 step ,
stay没有 踩或踏的意思
1.牙医:请你不要再喊了!我还没碰你的牙呢 。病人:我知道,可是你正踩着我的脚呀!
Dentist: Please stop howling. I haven"t even touched your tooth yet. Patient: I know, but you are standing on my foot!"
2.对不起,我踩着了你的脚 。
I'm so sorry for stepping on your foot

