
A child with his grandmother winter together by bus, then the child grabbed grandma in the front, the other people on board that he does not understand politeness, after a while, the child stood up and said," grandma, chair cover hot, you sit down".
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2.关于公交车上我给老人让座的英语作文怎么写We were always taught to give up our seats to the elderly, the weak, the ill, the handicapped, and the pregnant. It is a standard practice, justified by our own morality: we feel that those who need the seats more should get them. However, under some circumstances, people don't want to give up their seats. For example, should a young person who is exhausted after working all night still stand up in favor of someone older but full of energy? There is controversy about exactly where to draw the line in general, but I think that as youthful individuals, we should all try to give up our seats as much as possible. After all, we are setting a good example for the children of our own day, who will hopefully grow up and follow in our footsteps, setting in motion a cycle of goodwill.带翻译:我们总是教放弃我们的座位的老人,弱,生病,残疾,怀孕了 。
【让座英文怎么写】这是一个标准的做法,合理的我们自己的道德:我们认为需要座位的人更应该得到他们 。然而,在某些情况下,人们不想放弃他们的座位 。
例如,年轻人应该是工作e69da5e6ba9062616964757a686964616f31333363373663了一个通宵后筋疲力尽仍在忙站起来的人老但精力充沛吗?有争论到底的界限,但我认为,作为年轻的个人,我们都应该试着尽可能地放弃我们的席位 。毕竟,我们为孩子们树立好榜样我们自己的一天,谁会希望长大后,跟随我们的脚步,设置在运动周期的商誉 。
3.用英文写一篇作文让座五句话加翻译关于公车让座的英语作文bai是一个小孩跟他的奶奶冬天一起乘du公车,然后小孩抢zhi在奶奶前面,车上其他人都在说他不懂礼貌,过了一会dao,小孩站起来说“奶版奶,椅子捂热了,您坐吧”.A child with his grandmother winter together by bus, then the child grabbed grandma in the front, the other people on board that he does not understand politeness, after a while, the child stood up and said," grandma, chair cover hot, you sit down".希望能帮到你权 谢谢采纳 。
4.该不该给老人让座的英语作文+最佳答案:Your seat to the elderly should be, the old hard all his life by the blessing is that who in addition to our evening there is a generation who? Our ethical promotion of care for the young, we should inherit the spirit of Chinese tradition. . 。

