
1.绿巨人的英文怎么写The Hulk 。浩克(Hulk)是美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《不可思议的浩克》(The Incredible Hulk)第一期(1962年5月),由斯坦·李和杰克·科比联合创造 。
本名罗伯特·布鲁斯·班纳(Robert Bruce Banner),是世界著名的物理学家,在一次意外中被自己制造出的伽玛炸弹(Gamma Bomb)的放射线大量辐射,身体产生异变,后每当他情绪激动心跳加速的时候就会变成名为浩克的绿色怪物 。
浩克拥有超人的力量、速度、精力和耐力 。他的能力与他的情绪相关,通常是越愤怒越强大 。浩克拥有超过100吨力量,全身皮肤可抗物理、冷兵器、子弹射击和炸弹爆炸等攻击 。浩克也拥有异常发达的腿部肌肉,可跳跃、跨越很远距离,也可快速奔跑 。他也可以通过拍打双掌制造冲击波,威力巨大 。
浩克体内腺体所分泌的"oxygenated perfluorocarbon emulsion"能增加肺部的压力、并在各深度的水下呼吸和快速移动 。
浩克拥有超强的再生能力,重要器官被破坏或摧毁都能再生 。他也对所有疾病、毒药免疫,可在极端温度下生存 。
参考资料:搜狗百科 绿巨人
2.钢铁侠英文怎么拼钢铁侠(Iron Man)读音:英 [?ai?n m?n] 美 [?a??n m?n] 例句: 1、I would almost blasphemous by saying it's better than Iron Man but I don'tknow. 或许,如果我说这部电影甚至超越了钢铁侠有些不敬,但,好吧,我也说不清 2、"Angry Birds" is flapping from touch screens to big screens, books and toys, testing whether one of the best-known mobile apps can become an entertainment franchise akin to Mickey Mouse and Iron Man. “愤怒的小鸟”已经从触屏手机飞到了电影院、图书和玩具上,那这个最出名的手机应用程序之一会不会像米奇老鼠和钢铁侠那样成为娱乐产业呢? 扩展资料相关短语: iron and steel 钢铁 cast iron 铸铁,生铁,锻铁 iron ore 铁矿石;铁矿砂 iron and steel industry 钢铁工业 iron mine 铁矿;铁矿山 ductile iron 球墨铸铁,延性铁;韧性铁 iron and steel company 钢铁公司 iron oxide 氧化铁 钢铁侠(Iron Man)是由漫威公司的数位作者联合创作的,包括编辑兼编剧斯坦·李、编辑赖瑞·理柏、负责绘制早期钢铁侠故事的画家唐·赫克,以及设计第一套钢铁侠盔甲并绘制首次亮相的封面底稿的杰克·科比(Jack Kirby) 。
赫克设计出托尼·斯塔克与其秘书“小辣椒”佩珀·波兹(Pepper Potts)的面容 。斯坦·李参照霍华德·休斯设计出斯塔克的个性,他解释说:“霍华德修斯是我们这个时代中最多姿多彩的人物之一 。
他是位发明家、冒险家、亿万富豪、花花公子,还是个疯子 。” 。
3.《绿巨人》的英文简介The story of scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton decorated) continues his desperate search to cure what has been poisoned by γe69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa631333239303139-irradiation in vivo cells of the therapy, as well as the lifting of that hidden inside the body, unfettered, another own - Green Giant.
Live in solitude and without the haze of love under the Booth in the course of treatment over five hurdles need to be on the one hand the need to avoid constantly looking for him, disturbing people's nemesis, General Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt decoration); For the other hand, want to escape arrest, he has been using his different to the brutal military. When Bruce has been a major breakthrough in the treatment and change back to a time when ordinary people come in sight, and the other unit also has a degree of terror to destroy the power suddenly. Booth saw all the effort and hard work will soon be ruined, and decided to make an unprecedented counterattack。。