
1.关于清洁工的英语作文A meaningful experience
I was a cleaner in KFC for 3 week of my summer holiday in 2008.
Can you imagine that I have to get up early as well as going to sleep very late and work for 7 hours?
【清洁工英语怎么写】For the reason why the work was too hard to me ,I nearly gave up this work.
However, I spared no effort to finish my work.Therefore,I finished my work outstandingly bebore the new term.To my delight,I was praised by my boss.
During the work ,I come to the understanding that if we try our best to do anything,everything will be right,and what is the true mean of labour.
这次艰苦劳动让人明白;只要努力地去做任何事,都会做好 。和劳动lr意味着什么
2.一位 清洁工小学英语看图作文怎样写清洁工是一个不怕脏不怕累的人,就是他让我尊敬.
The street cleaner is one be not afraid dirty be not afraid of the tired people, be he is revered by me. Once , my bell at 5 o'clock to get out of bed right away , be to want go to the mountain. I want to go out , to see right away punish, street cleaner who sweeps my family entrance. Scraps of paper that he mounts with the floor etc., satisfying sweeps neat and tidy. You are looked at, he is covered with sweat , wipe to be unable to wipe dry. Drops of sweat all arrive at ground. He all wipes the clothes cuffs wet. His clothes have been all damp , as if seeming to be splashed by water to arrive at. Have to have enforced very much near his look. The street cleaner is holding a barrel , is walking into a toilet. Under the faucet, Sheng Shui , has no way with mop again. He puts forth self's strength the field drags. He has no half barrels yet for saving water , water being held arriving at , can drag such that such is clean but. How dirty water is. The street cleaner still does not exchange for. He walks into my factory lining , clothes is stained carelessly , does it have broken still have not cared. Wash as usual. Street cleaner this indomitable spirit , persistent spirit, let us study well. People all says they are titles of city beautician no wonder.
3.求一篇赞美清洁工的英语作文After finishing the dustman's diary, it makes me think a lot.
Every early morning , when we are deep in our sleeping , dustmen have begin their daily work. By their sweat and diligent work, streets are cleaned up and refreshed. However, when people walking on the street to their jobs, few will ever think of the people who make all of this. Meanwhile, dustmen happen to be their home, so many of us will never notice their existence. Although dustmen's work seems to be a humble one, their devotion and dedication to the job will be ever lasting and encouraging.
4.用英语介绍清洁工清洁工是一个不怕脏不怕累的人,就是他让我尊敬. 有一次,我5点钟就起床,是要去爬山.我要出门,就看见在收拾,打扫我家门口的清洁工.他把地面上的纸屑什么的,全打扫得干干净净.你看,他满头大汗,擦也擦不干呀.一滴滴汗都到到地上.他把衣服的袖口都擦湿.他的衣服都潮湿了,像是被水泼到似的.他的神色边得很严肃了.清洁工拿着桶,走进厕所.在水龙头下盛水,再拿拖把.他用力地拖呀拖.他为了节约水,把水盛到还没半桶,却能拖得这么干净.水多脏兮兮的了.清洁工还是不换. 他走进我家的工厂里,不小心把衣服弄脏,弄破了还是不管.照样清洗. 清洁工这种顽强的精神,坚持不懈的精神,让我们好好学习.难怪人们都称他们为城市美容师的称号. The street cleaner is one be not afraid dirty be not afraid of the tired people, be he is revered by me. Once , my bell at 5 o'clock to get out of bed right away , be to want go to the mountain. I want to go out , to see right away punish, street cleaner who sweeps my family entrance. Scraps of paper that he mounts with the floor etc., satisfying sweeps neat and tidy. You are looked at, he is covered with sweat , wipe to be unable to wipe dry. Drops of sweat all arrive at ground. He all wipes the clothes cuffs wet. His clothes have been all damp , as if seeming to be splashed by water to arrive at. Have to have enforced very much near his look. The street cleaner is holding a barrel , is walking into a toilet. Under the faucet, Sheng Shui , has no way with mop again. He puts forth self's strength the field drags. He has no half barrels yet for saving water , water being held arriving at , can drag such that such is clean but. How dirty water is. The street cleaner still does not exchange for. He walks into my factory lining , clothes is stained carelessly , does it have broken still have not cared. Wash as usual. Street cleaner this indomitable spirit , persistent spirit, let us study well. People all says they are titles of city beautician no wonder. 。