
1.用英语写一篇万用表使用的短文New Agilent 34405A digital multimeter 5.5 desktop reservations on the basis of cost, provide more performance. 34405A with a wide range of measurement capabilities (including temperature measurement and capacitance measurements). Its dual-display characteristics can help through the standard USB interface to capturing the DC or AC measurements; and read rate can be as high as 19 readings / second, 4.5 resolution. 34405A also compatible SCPI language, you can easily from the existing test set for the transition.
Multimeter with voltage and current measurement
In the electronic productions, often with a multimeter in the measurement circuit voltage and current.
Will be light-emitting diodes and resistors, potentiometers, as Figure 3-4 to the circuit, rotating potential allows normal LED light-emitting diodes. LED is a special kind of diodes, learned people certain current, it will be transparent shell of luminescence. There are many color light-emitting diodes, and often do so in the light of the circuit. We will make use of this practice with a multimeter circuit voltage and current measurement.
? 120,000 count resolution
【测量英语怎么写】? including temperature and capacitance measurements, 16 kinds of measurements
? 0.025% DC voltage accuracy
? USB 2.0 interface (with TMC-488.2 standard)
? Compatible with SCPI language
? fringe DMM Intuilink data-logging software
2.写出含How的单词并造句(8个),测量并用英语写错房间的物品长度how much?
问多早: How long is the cable: How often do you take a walk in a week? How much fresh water do you need: How long have you been here , 如多久一次或一周几次?
测量长度用How long ?短语吧?
问频率: How far is the school from here?
问距离多远用How far?
问时间持续多久用How long?
问数量多少用how many , 多快用How soon?
问程度用how much: How soon will you come back什么叫含how的单词哦: How many soldiers died in the war , 用How often: How much do you like her

