
1.大老板英语怎么说大老板的英语:big boss
1、大老板 Big Boss Keira
2、我是大老板 I'm the Boss ; I am the boss
3、女孩大老板 Crimes of Fashion ; Boss Girl
4、大老板乔治 George Steinbrenner
5、卧底大老板 Undercover Boss
6、大老板林青云 Allen Lin
7、踢飞大老板 Beat the Boss ; Kick the Boss
8、小大老板 Big Boss Junior
9、大老板基本玩法 I am the boss
1、I thought the plan would go over big with the boss.
我原以为那个计划会得到老板赏识的 。
2、His boss looked at him coldly because he made several big mistakes.
他的老板冷漠地看着他因为他犯了几个大错误 。
3、I went to see my boss at his big comfortable house just outside town. It's quite a change to see how the other half lives.
我去看望了我的老板,他住在城外宽敞舒适的房子里 。看看另一部分人是怎样生活的的确是变换一下口味 。
4、It is said that our boss has a big decision to make soon.
据说我们老板不久要作出一项重大决定 。
【我是大老板英文怎么写】5、It be say that our boss have a big decision to make soon.
据说我们老板不久要作出一项重大决定 。
2.大老板的英语翻译是什么大老板的英语翻译是 big boss 。
解释:big boss 英[biɡ b?s] 美[b?ɡ b?s] [词典] 大老板; [例句]You think the big boss had a problem with him?你们的大老板和他有过节?I am the Big Boss. 我是大老板,请坐 。You're too big for big boss now. 你现在对大老板而言太有威胁了 。
But when I called big boss. 但是,当我给大老板打电话 。You mean big boss's driver? 你是说大老板的司机? 。

