
1.简述电话 优势 劣势 写一段话,最好用英文写移动电话用户数能够在短短的十多年的时间里超过固定电话 , 原因是多方面的 。
仅从电信消费者的角度来看 , 移动电话在多方面有着固定电话无可比拟的优势 。①移动性 ②私密性 ③时尚性 ④功能性 ⑤资费的灵活性 尽管移动电话的优势明显 , 但固定电话并非一无是处 , 站在电信消费者的角度 , 固定电话有着以下两个方面的优势 。
①阶段性的优势 ②长期性的优势 The mobile phone number of users can surpass the fixed-line telephone in short more than ten years, the reason is various. Looking from the telecommunication consumer's angle, the mobile phone variously is only having the fixed-line telephone incomparable superiority. ①Mobilized ②Private ③Fashionable ④Functionality ⑤Fees flexible The mobile phone's superiority is freely obvious, but the fixed-line telephone has no merit to speak of by no means that stands in the telecommunication consumer's angle, the fixed-line telephone has the following two aspect superiority. ①Gradual superiority ②Long-term superiority 。
2.居住在城市的优势和劣势写500字英文,高分有的人喜欢居住在城市 , 而有的人则喜欢居住在农村 。解释一下他们的各自原因 。
1、People have different ideas about living in the city or in the countryside.
Some people like living in the city. They say that there are many factories in the city and there are more job opportunities in the city than in the countryside. They also say that city life is more colorful and meaningful because there are many public facilities there such as supermarkets and entertainment centers. But some people like living in the countryside. They say that life in the countryside is closer to nature, quieter and cleaner. Country people don't suffer from the housing problem, air pollution, noise pollution, traffic jams and traffic accidents.
In brief, it is up to people themselves to make the decision.
2、Where to live —in the City or in the Country
Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.
But some other people prefer to live in the countryside. They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people.
I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.
3.住在火山的优势劣势 英文描述优势:1.
The impact of volcanic eruptions on the natural landscape is very profound. Land is the most valuable resource in the world, because it can produce all kinds of plants to support everything.
If a volcanic eruption to farmland cover less than 20 cm thick volcanic
ash, to a farmer is xicongtianjiang, because these volcanic ash rich in
nutrients to make the land more fertile.
The intermittent spring is a natural phenomenon in the late period of volcanic eruption.
When the high temperature underground water will be heated to a certain
pressure, water and steam will be rushed out from the nozzle, the
pressure is reduced and then stopped, into the next process.
The geysers of Yellowstone National Park is very famous, some of which
can be shot to more than 100 meters high, the roar of the waves like the
soul stirring.
Such as old faithful spring, it emitted a water column up to 180 meters
or so, the steam emitted from the boiling water like a white cloud
hanging in the blue sky. It once every hour, every time lasted 5 minutes, very punctual, so got a name.