小雨的英文怎么写( 二 )

极冷的水滴同物体接触形成的冰层 , 或在低于冰点的情况下雨落在地表 , 物体上形成的冰层 28. 雨蛙 yǔwā [rain frog] 两栖动物 , 像青蛙 , 体长三厘米左右 , 背面绿色 , 腹部白色 , 脚趾上有吸盘 , 可以爬高 , 常在下雨前的鸣叫 。吃昆虫 29. 雨雾 yǔwù [drizzle like fog] 如雾一般的小雨 雨雾笼罩了整个山城 30. 雨险 yǔxiǎn [rain insurance] 为防止因下雨使原定计划事项撤消而蒙受的损失所做的保险 31. 雨鞋 yǔxié [rubber boots;galoshes;rubbers] 雨天穿的隔水的鞋 32. 雨靴 yǔxuē [rain boot] 下雨和泥泞时穿的一种高至踝节部的橡胶或塑料套鞋 33. 雨鸦 yǔyā [rain crow] 黑嘴或黄嘴的杜鹃 34. 雨烟 yǔyān [misty rain] 像烟雾似的朦胧的细雨 35. 雨燕 yǔyàn [swift] 外表很像燕子 , 具有很长而窄的翅膀 , 脚爪很弱 , 喙短但喙裂较宽 , 大部分时间在飞翔 。
当飞落时往往附着在垂直表面上 , 捕捉飞行中的昆虫为食 36. 雨衣 yǔyī [raincoat;mackintosh] 用不透水或抗水材料做的外衣 , 供雨中穿着 37. 雨意 yǔyì [signs of approaching rain] 将要下雨的景象 天低云暗 , 雨意浓密 38. 雨云 yǔyún (1) [rain cloud;nimbus] (2) 致雨的云 (3) 暗黑色的密云 39. 雨泽下注 yǔzé-xiàzhù [raindrop] 雨水往下流 百年老屋 , 尘泥渗漉 , 雨泽下注 。——明· 归有光《项脊轩志》 40. 雨珠 , 雨珠儿 yǔzhū , yǔzhūr [raindrop] 雨点 。
[1] 。
3.中雨的英语怎么写Light rain 小雨Moderate rain 中雨Heavy rain 大雨补充资料:Rainfall is measured in millimetres. It is usually described as light, moderate, or heavy rain, depending on how much has fallen. Zero millimetres of rain a day is no rain. The good news is that on these days, you won't get wet at all!Light rain, which is up to 2.5 millimetres of rainfall an hour, isn't very wet. If you were caught in it, you'd only get a small sprinkling. You might not even need a raincoat. If you didn't want to get wet at all, an umbrella would keep you dry.Moderate rain measures 2.5 to 7.5 millimetres of rain an hour. This amount of rain would make you wet if you were playing outside, and it would be easy to see. If you weren't wearing a raincoat, you'd get wet quickly. An umbrella would probably keep you dry.If more than 7.5 millimetres of rain is falling an hour, meteorologists call it heavy rain. We might say "It's raining cats and dogs". A heavy shower will make you run for cover - fast. You'd get soaking wet, and it wouldn't be much fun. Heavy rain is the kind of weather that ducks like. 。

