
1.用英语写关于如何理财和消费方式的作文I am a sophomore student, my mother would give me 300 yuan per month for living expenses, so I must learn to a reasonable consumer, or not enough. I spent a month there is a meal about 150 yuan, and the remaining money can sometimes buy books and school supplies. Rest of the money I saved money regularly, and with me every sum of money will be recorded. 。
2.大学理财英语作文【理财英语怎么写】If I have a sum of money,I will be part of the money deposited in banks,On the part of the money in the wallet,The remaining money through various channels such as Project Hope to all parts of the country and even around the world all in the hands of poor people so that they eat well, Chuanhao, live well, making good use. 你数一数够不够字数 , 我只能写这么点了 。
3.理财翻译英文 人工if such a financing tool can be invented which can achieve the balancing point of the risk and return, which can make the low-income families afford the investment money and give them a more stable and considerable investment return or can provide them a basic guarantee of living, how significant it is to the tens of millions of Chinese families 。
4.求一篇关于大学生如何理财的英语作文The question you ask is just like last year`s CET4`s article 。
My answer: In university we have choices to choose the lessons we like,and it`s called elective.Many students have many opinions.Why I choose it is because it`s to my taste ,and meanwhile can be helpful for my future at the same time.As undergraduate,we need to do a lot to make ourself more mindful. The elective that I choose is dancing,for I think we will have so many chances to dance in the near future,so I must prepared for to ensure myself would not be falled behind. 。

