
1.牛排英语怎么说beefsteak[5bi:fsteIk]n.牛排beefsteakbeef.steakAHD:[b?f“st3k”] D.J.[6bi8f7steik]K.K.[6bif7stek]n.(名词)A slice of beef, such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters, suitable for broiling or frying.牛排:适于焙烤或油炸的大块牛肉片,如取自后腿或里脊beef[bi:f]n.(pl. beeves [bi:vz], beefs)牛肉[常用复]食用牛,菜牛肌肉,体力,力量[俗]体重(pl.beefs)[美俚]牢骚; 诉苦beef broth牛肉汤He is lacking in beef.他体力不够 。
John has his beefs about that.约翰对那件事很不满 。steak[steik]n.(供煎,烤等的)肉,鱼,肉片,鱼片,肉排,牛排steaksteakAHD:[st3k] D.J.[steik]K.K.[stek]n.(名词)A slice of meat, typically beef, usually cut thick and across the muscle grain and served broiled or fried.牛排:一种通常横切成圆片烧烤后享用的牛肉片A thick slice of a large fish cut across the body.横切鱼排:横剖大鱼而制成的圆鱼排A patty of ground meat broiled or fried.小碎肉饼:用烧烤的肉做夹层的小馅饼Middle English steike 中古英语 steike from Old Norse steik * see steig- 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 steik *参见 steig- steak[steik]n.牛排; 大块肉片; 大块鱼片a beef steak炸牛排steak knife吃牛排时用的餐刀steak tartare鞑靼式生拌牛肉末(加洋葱葱花、生鸡蛋、胡椒粉生拌,配欧芹菜生吃)steakhousen.牛排餐厅boiled steak烤肉排chuck steak(一份)牛肩胛肉排club beef steak(腰顶端部)小牛排,小餐牛肉片cube steak扣出棋盘格孔的薄片牛肉(增加柔嫩度)delmonico steak牛背肉中的一块dehydrated steak脱水肉块flank steak牛后腹肉排frenched steak拍松煎牛排hamburger steak[俗]汉堡牛排,(绞碎牛肉加佐料的)油炸肉饼minute steak快熟薄牛排pork steak猪排(份餐); (不预腌的)熟火腿porter steak(腰部)牛排porterhouse steak(里脊肉做的)餐厅牛排raw steak生牛排,生鱼片ready-cut steak已切好的牛排round steak牛臀肉,牛后腿上部肉T-bone steak牛排tenderloin steak嫩牛排 。
2.英文翻译对错The registration form of raw material imported 进口原料登记表
Raw materials sheet 原料清单
The detection record of metal detector 金属探测器检测记录
The defrosting record of rejected product 不合格品解冻记录
(Constituent analysis sheet) 组分分析表
Frozen weight 冻鱼片重量
Glazing 覆冰层
Plastic Pieces 塑料片
Pin bones 针状骨
Ovum 鱼卵
Pieces Fillets 碎鱼片
Black Skin 鱼皮黑皮数
瘀血 Bruise
【鱼片的英文怎么写】风干片 air-dried pieces
变色 Discolored
异味 off-flavor
Under Size 小于规格数
Up Size 大于规格数
审核人 Checked By
The weight record of portion 块冻重量记录
The inspection record of using additive 添加剂使用检验记录
The inspection record of portion products 块冻成品检验记录
The recod of inspecting and appling additive 添加剂验收/领用记录
addtitive (添加剂)写错了,应为 additive,已改正 。
3.请写出几道中国菜的英文名称烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 水饺 Boiled dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll 皮蛋 100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆 Soybean milk 饭类 稀饭 Rice porridge 白饭 Plain white rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 面类 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 板条 Flat noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 米粉 Rice noodles 汤类 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 点心 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 虾球 Shrimp balls 春卷 Spring rolls 蛋卷 Chicken rolls 肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings 火锅 Hot pot 禽类---poultry 炖鸡 chicken stew 烤鸡 roast chicken /broiled chicken 酸奶油鸡 sour cream chicken 吉利鸡 chicken cutlet 炸鸡 fried chicken 咖喱鸡 curry chicken 烤鸭 roast duck 烤火鸡 roast turkey 葱花炒鸡蛋 scrambled eggs with scanllion 蛋炒虾 stir-fried shrimps in eggs 鸡蛋火腿 stewed ham with eggs 西红柿炒鸡蛋 stir-fried eggs with tomato 烧烤卤味 suckling pig:化皮乳猪 Drunken squab:花雕醉鸡 Cold chicken Claw:白云鹰爪 Soya duck wing:卤水鸭舌 Soya tofu:卤水豆腐 pickle and duck kidncy:榨菜鸭肾 Seaweed and pork slice:海草汾蹄 Seaweed and jeely fish:海草海哲 Japanese 3-combo:日式三拼 Roasted duck:玫瑰醉鸡 Spicy conch:麻辣东凤螺 甜品 Bird nest egg custard tart:白玉燕窝挞 Sesame seed ball:香麻煎堆球 Black sesame soft ball:擂沙甜汤丸 Steamed egg custard bun:世蒸奶皇包 Bean curd in syrup:冰川豆腐花 Crisp egg sustard tart:酥皮焗蛋挞 Thousand layered sweet cake:花心千层糕 Baked egg custard bun:菠萝奶皇包 egg custard soft cake:奶皇煎软饼 fresh mango pudding:鲜芒果布丁 coco-banana soft custard:椰汁香蕉糕 Turtle shell jell-o:滋补补伏苓膏 coco glutinous cake:椰蓉糯米糕 red bean mash puff:豆沙窝饼 sugar egg puff:松化沙翁 coco-peanut chess cake:麻蓉酥饼 炒饭类 yan-zhou fried rice:杨州炒饭 salty fish chicken fried rice:咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 dried scallop egg whit fried rice:瑶柱雪山炒饭 diced abalone jade fried rice:鲍鱼碧绿炒饭 stir-fried sticky rice:生炒糯米饭 fu-jian shreds fried rice:福建炒饭 seafood shark\\'s fin fried rice:海皇炒饭 红烧鱼 braised fish in soy sauce 清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish with white sauce 糖醋鲤鱼 sweet and sour carp 家常黄鱼 home style yellow croaker 松鼠/葡萄/菊花鱼 deep fried fish cut in the shape of a squirrel ,a spring of grapes,or a chrysanthemum flower 黄鱼汤 yellow croaker soup 网包鲥 netted shad 清炖甲鱼 clear-simmered soft shelled turtle 八宝鲫鱼 fried crucian carp with stuffings 爆炒对虾 sauteed prawns 蒸螃蟹 steamed crabs 炒蟹黄 sauteed carb roe 炒蟹肉 sauteed carb meat 青黄对虾 boiled prawns in salty water 炒虾仁 fried shrimp meat balls 虾炒肉元 stir fried shrimp with meat balls 番茄炒虾 stir-fried shrimps with fresh tomato 红烧海参 braised sea cucumber in soy sauce 炖鱼翅 stewed shark\\'s fin 什锦火锅 Mongolian hot pot with ten ingredients 土豆片 potato chips 煮豌豆,玉米,青豆 boild green pea,corn,green beans 素色砂锅 vegetable casseroles 素沙拉 vegetable salads 主食与点心 satble food and dim son 炒面 fried noodls 兰州拉面 Lanzhou stretched noodles 香炒面 fine fried noodles 米线 rice flour noodles 宫爆鸡丁 CHICKEN WITH PEANUTS 肉圆 TAIWANESE MEATBALLS 细米粉丝 thin rice noodles 豆粉丝 fengsi,bean starch noodles 炒饭 fried rice 大米粥 rice gruel/porridge 。