
1.写几条电脑室规则【英语电脑室怎么写】1. 按位就坐 , 严禁喧哗、走动、打闹 。
2. 保持室内洁净 。不得将饮料、糖果等食品带入室内食用;禁止随地吐痰 , 乱抛纸屑 。
3. 爱护室内一切公共设施 , 不得在桌椅上乱刻乱画 , 如有损坏 , 照价赔偿 。
4. 爱护室内电器设备(空调、风扇等) , 不准随意开关或改变设备的设置 。
5. 爱护机器 , 开机后发现故障要及时报告教师 , 不准私自处理;禁止随意开关机器和频繁地启动机器;键盘应轻敲;人为故意损坏设备的照价赔偿 。
6. 注意用电安全 。使用中发现问题 , 应及时切断电源 , 报告老师处理 。
7. 为防病毒 , 不得擅自带磁盘、光盘进入电脑室使用 。
8. 按老师的指导操作 , 有疑问请举手 , 勤学好思 , 养成良好的学习习惯;不得在上课时间玩游戏或操作与教学无关的内容 。
9. 离开电脑室时 , 应按要求关闭计算机并摆好椅子
1 to sit, no noise, walking, playing.
2 keep the room clean. May not be the food and beverage, candy into indoor food; no spitting, throwing confetti.
3 love indoor all public facilities, not on the table and chair carved Luanhua chaos, if damaged, compensation.
4 for indoor electric equipment (air conditioning, fan etc.), not allowed to freely switch or change device settings.
5 love machine, boot found fault should be promptly reported to the teacher, not private treatment; the prohibition of arbitrary switching machine and frequently starting the machine; the keyboard should be tapping; artificial intentionally damage compensation.
6 pay attention to electrical safety. Found the problem in use, should be promptly cut off the power, report the teacher treatment.
7 to prevent the virus, not good at with the disk, CD into the computer room.
8 according to the teacher's instructions, please raise your hand, Qinxue good thinking, develop good study habits; not in the class time to play games or the independent operation and the content of teaching.
9 to leave the computer room, should be required to shut down your computer and set the chair
2.写给校长一封关于电脑室东西要维修的英语作文怎么写but we need more your trust.I hope that the school can cancel the decision . Looking forward to your replyDear Headmaster, I'm writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom;m concernd,a lot of student have the same hope as me.Not only we need the internet to help us,I would like express some opinions on it. When we use the computer in the school ,firstly,we can search different kinds of information that we need.Secondly.As a student,I feel upset when i hear the news that school close the classroom computer network browsing function.Now. Yours,we need a way to learn the outside world,so we can use the internet to browse news,learn the information.Thirdly,as a senior high school student ,we are forming our own sense of judgment. We learn to contorl ourslves willpower.please give us a chance to prove us. As I' 。

