
1、秦岭,呈东西走向 。中国暖流温带和亚热带分界线、半湿润地区和湿润地区的界线、界线以北主要是落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林,以南常绿阔叶林为主等 。
2、渭河(Weihe River),古称渭水,是黄河的最大支流 。径流地区分布不均,总的趋势是自南而北减小,秦岭、关山区高,原区、谷地区低;西部大于东部,中游比下游径流丰富 。渭河径流的季节变化明显,干流以秋季流量最大,冬季河流结冰
3、流速,R1 河段流速较小(或R2 河段流速较大)R1 河段以流水沉积作用为主;R2 河段以流水侵蚀作用为主 。流量:R2 流量较大(或R1 流量较小),在R1 、R2 间有支流汇入(或R1 位于上游,R2 位于下游)
2.怎样用英语写夸父逐日With the sun, the kua fu race to the sun goes down. He was very thirsty to drink water to drink, running water of weihe river. Weihe river, the water to drink. Heran to the north, to drink the waterinside the great lakes. He hasn't arrived, thirst halfway 。
3.介绍眉县用英语作文怎么写眉县古称“眉坞”,是“中国猕猴桃之乡”,隶属于宝鸡市,位于秦岭主峰太白山脚下,北跨渭河,属秦岭北麓半丘陵地带,总体呈现“七河九原一面坡,六山一水三分田”的地貌特征 。眉县历史文化底蕴深厚,是西周文化的发祥地之一 。境内多次出土西周青铜器、战国编钟等国宝重器,2003年出土的27件西周青铜重器,被誉为21世纪重大考古发现之一 。
Meixian is ancient say "eyebrow Wu", "township of the Chinese gooseberry", belonging to Baoji, Qinling peak is located at the foot of Taibai Mountain, across the north of Weihe River, at the northern foot of Qinling Mountain semi hilly areas, the overall presentation of the "seven River Jiuyuan side slope, six mountain water a third field" features of the landscape. In the historical and cultural heritage, is the birthplace of Western Zhou culture. Domestic repeatedly unearthed bronzes of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Warring States period, bells and other national treasures, unearthed in 2003 27 pieces of Western Zhou bronze weighing, was hailed as one of the major archaeological discoveries of the 21st century.

