
1.行政经理用英文怎么翻译◇行政部门 administrative department; administrative unit; executive branch; administration; 行政处分 disciplinary sanction; 行政处罚 administrative penalty; 行政单位 administrative unit; 行政当局 executive authorities; 行政法规 administrative laws and regulatios; 行政法院 administrative court; 行政机构 administrative machinery; civil service; 行政机关 administrative organ; 行政拘留 administrative attachment; 行政立法 administrative legislation; 行政命令 administrative decree; administrative order; 行政区 administrative area; 行政人员 administrative personnel; administrative staff; 行政审计 administrative audit; 行政手段 administrative means; 行政司法 administrative judicature; 行政诉讼 administrative lawsuit [procedure]; 行政预算 administrative budget; 行政长官 chief executive; 行政职能 administrative function; 行政职务 administrative rank 。
2.行政人员用英文怎么说clerical staff 英 [?kler?k?l stɑ:f] 美 [?kl?r?k?l st?f]
【词典】[经] 文案人员 , 行政人员;文书
An overarching priority is to reinforce professional staffing, which is much moreprofitable than placing clerical staff.
首要任务是加强专业人士招聘业务 , 其利润远远高于普通文员的招聘 。
The Secretary shall have charge of the clerical staff and shall be responsible for theproper keeping of stores and accounts.
秘书须主管文书职员和负责储存物料及帐目的妥善备存 。

