
1.两个人对话的作文怎么写在我的文具盒里 , 有许多我精心挑选的学习用品 。有漂亮的铅笔小姐 , 憨厚的橡皮先生 , 笔直的小尺子 , 还有不可缺少的钢笔……它们不仅是我的好帮手 , 还是我的好伙伴 。
在一个夜深人静的晚上 , 我正在睡觉 , 可是我的文具盒里却发出了一阵阵争吵 。
“我的身体非常漂亮 , 又有许多许多美丽的条纹 , 小主人每次画画、写字都用我!”铅笔小姐骄傲地说 。
听了这句话 , 一向包容厚道的橡皮先生就不高兴了 。它撅起了小嘴巴不乐意地说“谁说的?每次你写错字 , 都是我帮助你改掉错字 , 小主人应该更喜欢我才对!”
小尺子不服气地说“小主人每次连线都离不开我 , 还顾得上你们?”
这是 , 文具盒大叫“不要吵了!还让不让小主人睡觉啊?你们呀 , 只看到别人的缺点 , 却忽略了自己的缺点……”大家羞愧地说不出话了 。
2.帮我写一段两个人的对话可不可以口语话?我们跟朋友几乎就这样说话 。
Brown: hey, beauty!fancy that can meet you here!Ann: Oh god, me neither! So glad! Why you here? You gonna buy some books?Brown: Yeah, I think I should put something in my empty brain. Did I tell you that I wanna be a doctor? Ann: Not yet, but that is not a big suprise for me. we all know that you can be a succeful doctor because you have the gift for helping and taking care others.Brown:Oh my god, your word is so sweet. Thank you so much for this warmest encourge. Yes, I want be a doctor and chanllege one of the the difficult disease--cancer. My grandma went way last week, taken by the lung cancer. She owns my most love.Ann:Oh, sorry for that~ Brown:Never mind dear, we have to face the future, right?So I wanna join a medical university in next year. That's why I am here to buy some books about this knowledge. I think I have to hurry up and dont waste any single mintus. How about you? protential moive star?Ann:Dear, I admire your courage and brave. How do you know i wanna be an actress? some one tell you?Brown:No. But I think that shoul be a big regret if such a beautiful angel can not join in the moive field.(laugh) Ann:Hehe, thanks man. Yeah I wanna be an actress coz this idea given by my mom. She was an actress in 1980s and has will that I could continue.Brown:Any progress?Ann:Well, so I'm here and gonna read some books about performance. Moreover, some, directors are my mom's friends, so maybe I could gain some opportunities for acting in advertisement before I enter into this field. In next year, I gonna apply for some professional colleges for teaching this sort of knowledge.Brown:How brilliant! You own my best wishes for future! Be successed!Ann:You too man, good luck for everything! I'm going to leave and that's so happy talking to you.Brown:Me too, it's my honor can have a conversation with an angel. see you and take care!Ann:anha~bye! 。
3.请帮我每题编一些两个人的对话1. Do you think friendship is a necessity in life? Why or why not?你认为友谊是生活中必要的吗?为什么是或为什么不是?应:01 Hey, my old friend, long time no see! 嘿 , 我的老朋友 , 好久不见了!张:01 Long time no see! How is everything? 很长时间没见到你了!过得如何?应:02 Good!I think our friendship is so fine and very valuable. 我过得很好!我想我们的友谊是如此美好并很有价值 。
张:02 Yes! I think friendship is a necessity in life! No one can live alone in life! 是的!我认为友谊是生活中必要的!没有人能独自一人生活!应:03 No friendship,no normal life!没有友谊就没有正常的生活张:03 I can't imagine that whom have no friend. friendship plays an important role in our life. It not only brings us loads of happiness, but also reduces the sense of lonely. 我很难想象没有朋友的日子 。友谊中扮演着重要的角色在我们的生活当中 。