
1.rationale是什么rationale指的是达到一个决定、结论所做的推理过程,包括作为出发点的假设及所用的证据和逻辑步骤 。
The Rationale of Privatization
It should be clear now why the institution of public property is dysfunctional. Institutions and the norms underlying them are supposed to help avoid conflict. But the institution of "public" property — of "public" streets — creates and increases conflict. For the purpose of conflict avoidance (of peaceful human cooperation), then, public property must go. All public property must become private property.
这是别人论文中的一小段 。这段之前之后他还讲了为什么公共财产会引起矛盾,为什么私有财产就不会引起矛盾 。把这些证据和论点结合起来,就是rationale 。
The rationale for the Iraq war
The primary rationalization for the Iraq War was articulated by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress known as the Iraq Resolution. The U.S. stated that the intent was to remove "a regime that developed and used weapons of mass destruction, that harbored and supported terrorists, committed outrageous human rights abuses, and defied the just demands of the United Nations and the world". Additional reasons have been suggested: "to change the Middle East so as to deny support for militant Islam by pressuring or transforming the nations and transnational systems that support it." For the invasion of Iraq the rationale was "the United States relied on the authority of UN Security Council Resolutions 678 and 687 to use all necessary means to compel Iraq to comply with its international obligations".
以上抄自英文维基 。这个rationale,先给了道德依据,然后给了政治动机,最后给了法理依据 。
2.Proposal是什么首先来看一篇好的Proposal需要有哪些内容 :
?Reference格式必须严格按照学校的要求,并且记录下所有文中用到的引用 。
如果你在英国、美国和澳大利亚这些西方教育体系国家留学的话,那么你在大二或毕业论文之前,你就会被要求写Proposal,这可能会用于Dissertation的大纲,甚至有些学校还会将Proposal的成绩记录到毕业论文的总分 。这时一篇好的Proposal就非常重要,这直接会影响到您毕业论文的最终成绩 。
1、Title (Proposal标题)
2、Introduction (介绍部分)
开头部分需要包括对文章大体的介绍,研究的方向,目标等来吸引导师的兴趣 。
3、Justification/Rationale (研究理由)
4、Aims (研究目标)