
1."判官" 中译英 缩写判官
(唐宋时期辅助地方长官处理公事的官) (in the Tang and Song Dynasties) an assistant to the chief
local official
(迷信传说中阎王手下管生死簿的官) (in superstitious legend) the official in charge of the
life-and-death register under the King of Hell
2.把唐诗《白雪歌送武判官归京》翻译成英文A song of white snow in farewell to field-clerk Wu going home
Cen Can
The north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them;
And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar sky
Is like a spring gale, come up in the night,
【判官英语怎么写】Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.
It enters the pearl blinds, it wets the silk curtains;
A fur coat feels cold, a cotton mat flimsy;
Bows become rigid, can hardly be drawn
And the metal of armour congeals on the men;
The sand-sea deepens with fathomless ice,
And darkness masses its endless clouds;
But we drink to our guest bound home from camp,
And play him barbarian lutes, guitars, harps;
Till at dusk, when the drifts are crushing our tents
And our frozen red flags cannot flutter in the wind,
We watch him through Wheel-Tower Gate going eastward.
Into the snow-mounds of Heaven-Peak Road 。.
And then he disappears at the turn of the pass,
Leaving behind him only hoof-prints.
3.英语翻译【题解】宣宗大中三年(八四九)五月,检讨户部尚书卢弘唐宣宗大中三年(849年)五月 , 名字叫卢弘止的户部尚书 , 出任为徐州刺史、武宁军节度使、徐州、泗州、濠州观察使 , 他治理的是徐州.十月 , 卢弘止请来李商隐 , 让他任节度判官.李商隐于这一年十二月赶赴徐州 , 约在大中四年(850年)正月抵达 , 此诗应该是写于抵达徐州不久 , 李商隐有意借此诗叙述自身的经历 , 及其与卢弘止的关系 , 并对在一起的四个人加以赞美 , 对卢弘止大加赞美 , 是标准的应酬诗 , 却写得气势雄浑 , 字字有力.四同舍 , 指四位同僚 , 或在一起的四个人 , 因徐州幕府共同管辖徐州、泗州、濠州、宿州四州 , 这种说法有些不对.以李商隐在徐州不过担任判官这样的一个小职位 , 不可能也不适合在刚来的时候 , 向四位同僚写出这样的文字.